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Unsafe in Asian international airspace?

( or, The stinking Red Chinese Commie Pukes are still holding our boys hostage after almost a week since they forced them down! )

First, there can be absolutely no doubt now about just how EVIL AND ANTISOCIAL OF AN ENEMY the vicious communist dictatorship in the People's Republic of China still is and always will be; after they blatantly force down an unarmed American reconnaissance aircraft in international waters, hold both the aircraft and the crew hostage, then blame us and ask for us to apologize for their INTENTIONAL CRIMINAL ACT OF AERIAL PIRACY AND BLATANT ACT OF WAR. It is not our fault that the MUSTARD WAS OFF THEIR HOTDOG PILOT and crashing his fighter jet into the innocent American aircraft caused his death but only damaged the United States aircraft.

Now the REDS bring out the second Mig pilot to LIE, DENY AND STICK TO IT in a PUNY PLAN OF PROPAGANDA blaming the far, far less manueverable U.S. aircraft for the collision, a physical impossibility. The reprehensible human rights violating criminals in Beijing have only one thing on their COLLECTIVE COMMIE RAT minds, to bring the entire world under the yoke of their vile depravity, which includes such egregious barbaric conduct as: HARVESTING THE INTERNAL ORGANS FOR TRANSPLANT FROM COMMON CRIMINALS WHICH HAVE BEEN EXECUTED FOR CRIMES WHICH HERE WOULD ONLY GET YOU A FINE OR PROBATION; ROLLING OVER THOUSANDS OF THEIR OWN CITIZENS WITH TANKS UNMERCIFULLY FOR ONLY EXPRESSING POLITICAL VIEWS PUBLICALLY CONTRARY TO THOSE OF THE WARLORDS, FORCIBLY STERILIZING WOMEN, and NUMEROUS OTHER VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL NORMS, LIKE FALSE IMPRISONMENT AND TORTURE!

You can't blame a SNAKE IN THE GRASS for acting like it does; for that is it's nature. The Red Chinese have never said that they didn't want to subjigate and control the world for their own disgusting degenerate purposes, including the United States of America. You can however, blame individuals in our own country for bowing down on their knees in front of the CHINESE WEASELS, in worship of the almightly political contribution or other selfish self-destructive economic quid pro quos.

Second, I and sick and tired of the BLAME AMERICA FIRST, UTRA LEFT WING LIBERAL NATIONAL SOCIALIST WING OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY, MEDIA TYPES who KEEP CALLING THE MARITIME RECONNAISSANCE AIRCRAFT A SPY PLANE. This was a routine reconnaissance mission being flown in international waters, as they have been for decades and not a covert spy mission. These P-3 aircraft have helped find many victims of accidents on the high seas and they are in no way espionage missions in the sense of flying over enemy territory in unmarked spy planes like SR-71s or U-2s. It makes my blood boil to see LEFT WING SOCIALIST SCUM seize the opportunity to blame George Bush or the Republicans for a Communist Chinese act of war and insinuate that their corrupt Bill Clinton would have had the crew back already. The only Americans which may be to blame are those who have joined with the communists in transfering United States secret technology to Beijing and allowing them to harvest almost 100 billion dollars in dirty money from our consuming public, destined to be turned into weapons to be pointed at our very own nation. Though these appeasers of Red China cross over from both political parties, the most loud and vocal are from the NATIONAL SOCIALIST WING OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY!

Third, I am also getting fed up with people calling the act of aerial piracy which resulted in the death of a Chinese Mig pilot an accident. The death of the pilot may have been an accident, but THE ACT OF INTERCEPTING, AND AT THE VERY LEAST BUZZING, THE EP-3 WAS A DELIBERATE CALCULATED ACT! On December 28, 2000 an official protest was filed with the Chicoms about their Red Migs PLAYING CHICKEN with far slower moving American multi-engine aircraft in the international waters of the South China sea area. I guess we know who was not CHICKEN this time!

Fourth, I believe any of the TOTALLY WORTHLESS LIBERAL TALKING HEAD TYPES who preach the surrender of principle and dignity in giving the apology to the Chinese scum have completely lost their minds and they should revisit the history books to see how much appeasing Adolf Hitler in the 1930s got the peoples of France and Poland. The world is waiting to see whether or not the United States caves in to the BARBARIANS FROM BEIJING.

Fifth and possibly the most disturbing, is that earlier this year the Red Chinese communists tried to buy an airborne radar reconnaissance aircraft like an AWACS from Israel but they were turned down. I don't think it is beyond the realm of possibility that they had every intention of forcing the EP-3 down, as a replacement for the failed purchase from Israel, in Chinese territory intact enough to copy it's technology for use in their own DEGENERATE ATHEIST COMMIE SCHEME OF WORLD DOMINATION!

Their will be no apology for a blatant act of international terrorism viciously and wholely caused by the criminal communist government in the People's Republic of China. The filthy Red Chinese communists are truely the Twenty-first Century's version of the murders in Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany or Josef Stalin's CCCP!

It should be quite obvious to anyone that Bill Clinton and the Democrat Party accepted money from the Red Chinese for nefarious purposes and they are to be partially blamed for the agressive nature of the People's Liberation Army after years of coddling and cuddling, including the sale and/or theft of numerous military items which will eventually be used against the American people by the vicious totalitarian criminals who control the sewer which is mainland China! If you have forgotten who some of the Neville Chamberlain-like dictator appeasement rouges were, who have helped the Chinese Communists build themselves up into a greater threat than the CCCP was during the First Cold War; then see: Articles of Surrender to the People's Republic of China ( 5-24-2000 ) , Sleeping with the enemy? ( 9-19-2000 ) and Safe in Taiwan? ( 2-1-2000 ) . Too bad we don't live here: Unsafe for Red China in the Parallel Universe? ( 8-9-2000 ) ?

- Bongo ( Learn Mandarin or die? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Is it really safe in here?
Updated ( 4-6-2001 )
(c)2001 Bongo.

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