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Articles of Surrender to the People's Republic of China

May 23 - 24, 2000, The United States House of Representitives debates and votes on permanently granting normal trade relations with China ( HR 4444 ).

Not since the 1930s voyages of misguided peacemaker Neville Chamberlain from London to Berlin trying to appease Adolf Hitler's Germany before World War II, where economic carrots were handed out to a snickering fascist dictator, with his fingers crossed behind his back, already building up his military forces for a showdown with the freedom loving world, and the selling of American petroleum products and scrap metal to Tojo's Japan, to be returned with interest in the form of weapons of war at places like Pearl Harbor, has there been another country ( or group of countries ), like the United States of America today, so obviously trying to commit mass suicide, whether economic or actual!

I began watching the debate on giving the fox a skeleton key forever to our hen house on May 23rd. Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Bill Archer ( R ) was either dead wrong or corrupted by Chinese money when he said that granting Red China PNTR ( permanent normal trade relations ) was, " Good for jobs in America; good for human rights in China "? Who is this guy trying to fool? The family pets in America have more freedom than the human beings in the People's Republic of China!

Someone I hardly ever agree with, Nancy Pelosi ( D ), pointed out verifiable facts, " China has never honored any of it's trade agreements with the United States ". This is quite true, as Red China has only followed a very few parts of a couple of the trade agreements of the past, though only those which were of benefit to it, itself!

Not all Republicans knuckled under and went along with our Fabian Socialist, so called President and his puny pitiful plan. Dana Rohrabacher ( R ) also pointed out some facts and not spin, " They have the power to murder millions of Americans they didn't have ten years ago. The democratic movement in China has been smashed ". These statements are verifiably true, as proven by the pictures of the Chinese military mowing down unarmed civilian democracy movement members and the purchase of Typhoon class nuclear ballistic missile equipped submarines from Russia ( using the dollars from our trade imbalance with them, I might add )! After making an analogy to the appeasement of Hitler before World War II, Rohrabacher finished with, " You don't make a liberal by hugging a Nazi ".

Dan Burton ( R ) continued the GOP attack on big business giving the boys from Beijing the key to nuking our cities, " They ( big business ) are going to go along with it ( PNTR ) no matter what it takes because it means the almighty buck ". Roscoe Bartlett ( R ) provided another verifiable truth, with, " China has changed; it got worse "!

An independent whom I have never agreed with on anything before ( atleast not in my most recent memory ), Bernie Sanders, said, " This vote is about two words, CORPORATE GREED ". BERNIE...BERNIE...BERNIE ( oh God, I can't believe I just typed that? )!!!

My bi-partisan patriots and traitors lists for the day of May 23rd included, but should not be limited to ( without party affilliations in parenthesis ):

PATRIOTS: DeFazio, Gilman, Kucinich, Menedez, Ney, Oberstar, Pascrell, Sherman, Smith, Tancredo, Wolf and Woolsey.

TRAITORS: Blumenhauer, Capps, English, Eshoo, Kind, Kolbe, Skelton, Tanner, Walden and Weller.

My coverage of the Wednesday May 24th's debate and vote on final passage of HR 4444 by the House begins with more Democrats who are at odds with the twisted wishes of their precious tin plated dictator with delusions of grandeur from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, to falsely create some kind of phoney legacy for himself at the expense of the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of the innocent people of the PRC and the USA.

Minority Leader Richard Gephardt ( D ), whom I normally think is a support the first philanderer, DNC uber alles, Democrat party love it or leave it type, held the facts up to the light of day for a change, with, " Our greatest export is our ideals and values ". Though you may think or say that Gephardt is in the pocket of organized labor and his non-support for PNTR for China is based on not too altruistic of motives, he continued, " China has not obeyed their agreements ". He clearly pointed out that, " The issue is not trade, but the yearly review ". He didn't need the F. Lee Bailey lie detector test leads to be hooked up, as he finished with, " They don't want the annual debate, the light of day shone on them "!

William Lupinski ( D ), not exactly a bastion of conservativism, opined, " We should not reward a totalitarian regime ".

Some elephants finally remembered where they left their integrity.

" China steals our technology and sells it to our enemies ", said Walter Jones ( R ). Lindsey Graham ( R ) began, " When the students in China look at the United States, they see the Statue of Liberty. When Americans look at China they see dollar signs ". He then correctly concluded, " They are the enemy of the free world ".

Dan Burton ( R ) thought that passage of HR 4444 would give the communist Chinese, " more money to buy the rope to hang us with "; while Christopher Smith ( R ) thought, " The fix is in ". To end what I saw of the GOP resistance effort, Duke Cunningham ( R ) preached, " They ( the communist Chinese ) will lie cheat and steal ".

A Democrat originally from mainland China, David Wu, concerning the gullibility of certain members of Congress, put it this way, " When I was very young, I believed in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus ".

During the pseudo-debate in the House chamber, some legislators distinguished themselves and some disgraced the very flag of the country they swore an oath to serve by jumping in bed with the totalitarian communist tyrants in Beijing. The list included, but should not be limited to ( without party affilliations in parenthesis ):

PATRIOTS: Baladacci, Berman, Bonior, Brown, Burton, Clayton, Caprano, Clement, Cook, Crowley, Davis, DeLauro, Engel, Evans, Gephardt, Graham, Green, Hayes, Horn, Hunter, Jones, Kennedy, Lee, Metcalf, Norwood, Owens, Pelosi, Schakowsky, Slaughter, Smith, Stark, Stearns, Strickland, Tierney, Traficant, Visclosky, Waters and Wu.

TRAITORS: Armey, Bass, Becerra, Bereuter, Bernice Johnson, Berry, Biggert, Camp, Cardin, Castle, Crane, Cunnigham, Davis, DeLay, Disks, Doggett, Dooley, Dreier, Dunn, English, Etheridge, Ford, Goss, Gonzalez, Hastert, Hill, Hoyer, Jackson Lee, Johnson, Kaptur, Levin, Lofgren, Matsui, Meehan, Portman, Price, Rangel, Roemer, Roukema, Salmon, Sanford, Thomas, Thurman, Turner, Watkins and Weldon.

A motion to recommit was offered by David Bonoir ( D ). This instrument, replacing the HR 4444 legislation, was identical and only added the language which said that if Taiwan is attacked by the PRC that PNTR is automatically removed. Majority Whip Tom Delay ( R ) managed the debate time against passage. Obviously it failed miserably, by a vote of 258 to 176, as Republicans voted over four to one, nay and Democrats less than two to one, yea.

According to C-Span HR 4444 passed 237 to 197, with Joe Scarborough ( R ) not voting. So that none may forget who sold out and who didn't, here is the list of the unusual suspects. Isn't it fitting that Bill Archer's initials are the same as those of the traditionally hated traitor, Benedict Arnold?

Those who felt the bi-partisan need to pay homage to the totalitarian government in Beijing by voting yes, included: Ackerman, Allen, Archer, Armey, Bachus, Baird, Baker, Ballenger, Barrett (NE), Bass, Bateman, Becerra, Bentsen, Bereuter, Berry, Biggert, Bilbray, Bishop, Bliley, Blumenauer, Blunt, Boehlert, Boehner, Bonilla, Bono, Boswell, Boyd, Brady (TX), Bryant, Callahan, Calvert, Camp, Campbell, Canady, Cannon, Capps, Cardin, Carson, Castle, Chabot, Chambliss, Combest, Cooksey, Cox, Cramer, Crane, Cubin, Cunningham, Davis (FL), Davis (VA), DeGette, DeLay, DeMint, Dickey, Dicks, Dixon, Doggett, Dooley, Doolittle, Dreier, Dunn, Edwards, Ehlers, Emerson, English, Eshoo, Etheridge, Everett, Ewing, Fletcher, Foley, Ford, Fossella, Fowler, Franks (NJ), Frelinghuysen, Frost, Gallegly, Ganske, Gekas, Gilchrest, Gillmor, Gonzalez, Goodlatte, Goss, Granger, Green (WI), Greenwood, Gutknecht, Hall (TX), Hansen, Hastert, Hastings (WA), Herger, Hill (IN), Hill (MT), Hilleary, Hinojosa, Hobson, Hooley, Houghton, Hoyer, Hulshof, Hutchinson, Hyde, Inslee, Isakson, Istook, Jackson-Lee (TX), Jefferson, Jenkins, John, Johnson (CT), Johnson, Johnson ( Sam ), Kasich, Kelly, Kind (WI), Knollenberg, Kolbe, Kuykendall, LaFalce, LaHood, Largent, Latham, Lazio, Leach, Levin, Lewis (CA), Lewis (KY), Linder, Lofgren, Lowey, Lucas (KY), Lucas (OK), Maloney (NY), Manzullo, Martinez, Matsui, McCollum, McCrery, McDermott, McHugh, McInnis, McIntosh, McKeon, Meehan, Meeks (NY), Miller (FL), Miller ( Gary ), Minge, Moore, Moran (KS), Moran (VA), Morella, Myrick, Neal, Nethercutt, Northup, Nussle, Ortiz, Ose, Oxley, Packard, Pease, Peterson (PA), Petri, Pickering, Pickett, Pitts, Pomeroy, Porter, Portman, Price (NC), Pryce (OH), Radanovich, Ramstad, Rangel, Regula, Reyes, Reynolds, Roemer, Rogan, Roukema, Royce, Ryan (WI), Ryun (KS), Salmon, Sandlin, Sawyer, Schaffer, Serrano, E. B. Sessions, Shadegg, Shaw, Shays, Sherwood, Shimkus, Shuster, Simpson, Skeen, Skelton, Smith (MI), Smith (TX), Smith (WA), Snyder, Stenholm, Stump, Sununu, Sweeney, Talent, Tanner, Tauscher, Tauzin, Terry, Thomas, Thompson (CA), Thornberry, Thune, Thurman, Tiahrt, Toomey, Turner, Upton, Vitter, Walden, Walsh, Watkins, Watts (OK), Waxman, Weiner, Weldon (PA), Weller, Whitfield, Wicker, Wilson and Young (FL).

Those who demonstrated some temporary spinal rigidity and voted not to surrender to the forces of evil included: Abercrombie, Aderholt, Andrews, Baca, Baldacci, Baldwin, Barcia, Barr, Barrett (WI), Bartlett, Barton, Berkley, Berman, Bilirakis, Blagojevich, Bonior, Borski, Boucher, Brady (PA), Brown (FL), Brown (OH), Burr, Burton, Buyer, Capuano, Chenoweth-Hage, Clay, Clayton, Clement, Clyburn, Coble, Coburn, Collins, Condit, Conyers, Cook, Costello, Coyne, Crowley, Cummings, Danner, Davis (IL), Deal, DeFazio, Delahunt, DeLauro, Deutsch, Diaz-Balart, Dingell, Doyle, Duncan, Ehrlich, Engel, Evans, Farr, Fattah, Filner, Forbes, Frank (MA), Gejdenson, Gephardt, Gibbons, Gilman, Goode, Goodling, Gordon, Graham, Green (TX), Gutierrez, Hall (OH), Hastings (FL), Hayes, Hayworth, Hefley, Hilliard, Hinchey, Hoeffel, Hoekstra, Holden, Holt, Horn, Hostettler, Hunter, Jackson (IL), Jones (NC), Jones (OH), Kanjorski, Kaptur, Kennedy, Kildee, Kilpatrick, King (NY), Kingston, Kleczka, Klink, Kucinich, Lampson, Lantos, Larson, LaTourette, Lee, Lewis (GA), Lipinski, LoBiondo, Luther, Maloney (CT), Markey, Mascara, McCarthy (MO), McCarthy (NY), McGovern, McIntyre, McKinney, McNulty, Meek (FL), Menendez, Metcalf, Mica, Millender-McDonald, Miller ( George ), Mink, Moakley, Mollohan, Murtha, Nadler, Napolitano, Ney, Norwood, Oberstar, Obey, Olver, Owens, Pallone, Pascrell, Pastor, Paul, Payne, Pelosi, Peterson (MN), Phelps, Pombo, Quinn, Rahall, Riley, Rivers, Rodriguez, Rogers, Rohrabacher, Ros-Lehtinen, Rothman, Roybal-Allard, Rush, Sabo, Sanchez, Sanders, Sanford, Saxton, Schakowsky, Scott, Sensenbrenner, Sherman, Shows, Sisisky, Slaughter, Smith (NJ), Souder, Spence, Spratt, Stabenow, Stark, Stearns, Strickland, Stupak, Tancredo, Taylor (MS), Taylor (NC), Thompson (MS), Tierney, Towns, Traficant, Udall (CO), Udall (NM), Velazquez, Vento, Visclosky, Wamp, Waters, Watt (NC), Weldon (FL), Wexler, Weygand, Wise, Wolf, Woolsey, Wu, Wynn and Young (AK).

Traitors by any other name would stink just as bad. Our children will be paying with their life and liberty, probably within my own lifespan. I thought GREED was only a seldom watched television game show, but the vote to give the totalitarian communist dictatorship in Red China eventual control of the entire world proves it is alive and well in the morally bankrupt Democrat party and the ostriches with their heads in the sand GOP cowards in Washington. I got an idea; let's check their stock portfolios and see how many shares of china.com the Quislings own?

Well, it is on now to the Senate for the second half of the sellout vote, where the smell emanating from that chamber is just as repulsive and the certainty of passage is just as strong. Whine as much as you want about the lobbying which the labor unions are doing against this travesty being perpretrated against the American people, as this is just one of those times when they are in agreement with the best interests of the United States of America and the shrinking free world!

- Bongo ( Clean out the fallout shelter or learn Chinese? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

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Updated ( 5-24-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.

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