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Puppet of The Century?

Janet Reno once again washes the Clinton administration's dishes for her dinner!

June 23, 2000 Attorney General ( and I use the term lightly ) Janet Reno continues to do her precious President's ( Great Living Democrat God Pharoah ) bidding in continuing to cover-up for the campaign finance related abuses of Vice President ( and I use that term lightly as well ) Al Gore during the 1996 election cycle.

Previously, the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Louis Freeh and a Department of Justice independant campaign finance abuse task force leader, Charles LaBella have officially urged the appointment of first an Independent Counsul in 1997 and later an Independent Prosecuter ( Special Counsel ) in 1998. Thus, Reno twice rejected any form of independent counsel to investigate Gore, reportedly once for fund-raising phone calls from his White House office and the second time for making possibly false statements about those same calls. Remember the old, " no controlling legal authority " press conference ( sheesh, what a bonehead! )? Anyhow, the Independent Counsel statute was allowed to lapse, so any further so-called " independent " investigations will be done by a DOJ official reporting directly to the Attorney General ( what a joke! ) herself.

This latest recommendation to appoint an independent investigator came from Robert Conrad, the so-called supervising attorney for the Justice Department's campaign finance task force. The preliminary recommendation was actually made several weeks ago after he supposedly questioned the POTUS and VPOTUS on or about April 18 concerning a fund-raising event at a California Buddhist temple attended by Gore. It is being reported that the central issue is not whether the event was a fundraiser or not, but whether or not Gore was truthful in giving accurate answers to legally binding official inquiries about his role in the fund-raising activities in question.

Reno was shakily irritated, as she pronounced this at a news conference this morning. " I want to make sure the investigation ... is done fairly so it does not interfere with the democratic process. I am going to do everything in my power to see that any decision that I make is made without political influence from anyone ".


Did she say, " democratic process "? I thought I heard ' Democratic Party '? I guess by " anyone ", she really means, ' anyone except Bill Clinton '? Janet Waco is a real piece of work!

The information concerning the recommendation was leaked to the media on Thursday and of course Reno tried to shift the attention away from Gore to who did the leaking, saying, " If we let people think that because they leak something they can pressure us into decisions, that just won't work. We've got to do this as objectively and carefully as possible ". Come on man, that just doesn't wash. I believe that the White House itself leaked this information as a form of perceived damage control, with GOP Senator Arlene Specter as a ' Parallax View '-like patsy. This most corrupt White House in history will stop at nothing to further their evil agenda and leaking harmful information to the press and blaming the vast right wing conspiracy is one of their ' old dog ' tricks!

So, watch and listen as the left wing liberal news media begins to attack the messenger again, like in the impeachment process of Bill Clinton. Just open your eyes and look how the contrived death penalty issue in Texas was blown all out of proportion by the Democrat controlled media in an attempt to overshadow the Los Alamos revelations. The morally bankrupt, the end justifies absolutely any means imaginable, gang of media androids have been programmed well by the Clinton/Gore/DNC/Whitehouse spinmeisters ( liars ) to spew forth their decency hating ploy of pontification, designed to confuse the easily fooled American public!

If you find this all hard to believe, read the chain of events as reported in Bongo's Fallout Shelter when they originally happened. Shut up Louie, and drive the car! ( 8-6-98 ) ; Puppet of The Month! ( 11-25-98 ) ; Janet Reno Puppet Show? ( 12-8-98 ) and Puppet, Marionette, now Mannequin? ( 1-30-99 ) .

- Bongo ( Pull on some strings? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

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Updated ( 6-23-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.

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