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Puppet of The Month!

Janet Reno has truely proven herself to be Clinton's puppet.

Janet Reno has vomitted all over the American justice system and the stench reaches from coast to coast. She has managed to ignore the mountain of evidence against Al Gore in the campaign finance abuse of the 1996 election cycle. Our pityful excuse for an Attorney General has been a Whitehouse/DNC puppet for almost a year. The only question remaining for us is whether she is a marionette or a hand puppet? See these previous opinion articles for some back ground: Shut up Louie, and drive the car! ( 8-6-98 ) , Don't duck your responsibilties... ( 8-25-98 ) and Defense Attorney General Janet Reno Continues Cover-up. ( 8-27-98 ) .

When the President pulls her strings, she moves. When the President moves her mouth, she lies!

Janet Waco has triggered the months long investigation on two occasions now, in an effort to stall for time. Each time she has refused to accept her Constitutionally mandated responsibility to appoint an independant counsel, when even the appearance of a conflict of interest is present. In this case, the conflict of interest is not just an appearance, but is quite apparent!

Reno said the evidence was ' weak and circumstantial ' against Al Gore. She has not commented on the other two campaign finance issues that she must shortly decide on an appointment of an independant counsel for.

Arlen Specter thinks she has flagrantly abused her power in a decision based solely on politics. Orin Hatch wants to wait and see if she appoints an Independant Counsel in the two remaining cases under investigation ( one centered on Harold Ickies ). If she doesn't, there may be a contempt citation in her future and further Senate oversight hearings to expose her dirty dealings to the American people!

I personally saw the Senate oversight hearings with her. I also saw the campaign finance abuse hearings, as well. Both Louis Freeh ( FBI director ) and Charles Labella ( DOJ investigator ) agree with me; that Reno must appoint an independant counsel on the blatant campaign finance abuses of the Whitehouse and the DNC in the 1996 campaign cycle.

We all saw Al Gore with the monks, on video tape. This would be a good joke, if it wasn't so smelly. Why were the monks granted immunity, if nothing wrong was done? It was Gore's fund raising event; shouldn't he be held responsible? Not in the eyes of our nation's number one law enforcement officer!

We all saw Gore's ' no controlling legal authority ' sound bite on making campaign donation calls for hard money from his government property office ( illegal by law ). Reno must either be losing her mind, or she is truely beholding to the Whitehouse/DNC campaign finance abuse conspiracy!

- Bongo ( We all witnessed the supreme cover-up in action with regard to Waco. )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...

Updated ( 11-25-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.