I believe that the interest on our huge National Debt, should be included in the yearly budget.
The Republican Congress balanced the budget, and the President signed it. Now, they say that there is a surplus? If this is true, we should apply the entire amount to the National Debt! You may have already known how I belive on this:ACCOUNT OVERDRAWN: ( 8-24-98 ) . If the interest on the debt was officially included in the budget, the politicians would be forced to tighten the national purse strings.
If the budget surplus is greater than the interest on the debt, then and only then; should we consider using the funds for anything other than paying down the debt. If Americans would belly up to the bar, and not insist on tax cuts; we may be able to start repaying our debt, with only cuts in the bloated size of government.
The Executive Branch is out of control. The cabinet positions are sprouting up like weeds; we must cut them, not create new ones. Executive orders creating new programs ( with their associated additional new costs ) have reached an all-time high. I believe that Clinton has written more Executive orders, than any other Present, by a multiple of two at least. The Presidential entourage on trips has grow to where the cost is measured in tens of millions of dollars per day!
The Congress could easily absorb a ten percent across the board budget cut.
I don't know about the spending excesses of the Judicial Branch.
Let's reduce the size of the Federal beauracracy, and let the states govern themselves, like the Founding Fathers originally intended ( with the added bonus of paying back the National Debt ).
- Bongo ( a 2 cent plain, please... )
Updated ( 9-2-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.