Put some blinders on when you go to the book store or video outlet. The Clinton-based scandal books and video tapes are filling up the shelves. I won't dignify them by naming any one in particular. They run the full gamut of Clinton-related subjects from Arkansas to Washington and from Mena Airport to The Lincoln Bedroom. The authors or producers run from columnists to former FBI agents. Funny, I only remember one concurrent book about Nixon, "All the President's Men" by Woodward and Bernstein.
What has spawned this explosion of schlock? Why would there be so many books hitting the bestseller list, if the President's approval rating is as high as " they " claim ( the erroneous and slanted polls are a story unto themselves ) ? This would seem to indicate that people, who love Bill Clinton no matter what he does ( or has done ), get great pleasure from reading about his misdeeds? This is not about polls, but principles. It must be " the vast right wing conspiracy "; yeah, right, that's it...
I apologize for this eruption; no, Bill, that's not what I meant. I mean, that I apologize for the first President from my generation's duplicity in causing this whole state of affairs ( nice choice of words ) to come about.
If there had been no dirty dealings in Arkansas under then Governor William Je...Jeff...Jeffer ( I find it hard to combine this great American stateman's name with ) Clinton, there would be no tapes about Mena or Whitewater. If there hadn't been wholesale influence peddling in the Whitehouse, there would be no books about unlimited access. If the mainstream media was doing its job, these books would be smaller in their numbers.
I have only been exposed ( another nice choice of words ) to one video tape in particular. Oh no, he said he wasn't going to dignify them by mentioning any one in particular. This tape is called " The Mena Connection ". It is chock full of greasy possible inuendo, not necessarily to be believed without further real proof. What it does have that is quite disturbing is video footage of government ( and former government ) officials talking about illegal activities around Little Rock, Arkansas. Also quite shocking is footage of Bill Clinton's own brother seemingly taking drugs and talking about his immunity ( move over Billy Carter, there is a new geek in town! ). I don't mean to put Billy in the same league with Roger, Billy was a harmless drunk with his own beer label. The last time I looked, alcoholism was only a problem and snorting up piles of cocaine like the Tony Montana - Al Pacino character in Scarface, is a felony! The police surveillance footage of Roger sitting at a coffee table ( supposedly with a pile of cocaine on it ) is not a beneficial thing for our youth to see.
I am about to be exposed ( had to use it again ) to Greetings from the Lincoln Bedroom by Arianna Huffington. I got it as a present. I am only 8 chapters into it, and it is quite amusing. It is not the factual expose' type book that I thought it was going to be, but humorous fiction. It reminds me of the old Richard Armour books ( anyone remember those? ). She hasn't spared the left or the right, so far...
Once again, I apologize for the possibly permanent damage that my generation may be causing, to the office of The President of The United States. Why couldn't Bill Clinton have been more like John Kasich, though I have never been a real big Grateful Dead fan?
- Bongo ( If reading skill scores are down in school, then why are book sales up? )
Updated ( 8-12-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.