Not only did they say LET THEM COUNT ( Carol Roberts For President ( 11-13-2000 ) ) , but they said BAD DOG to the Secretary of State for messing with the punch-drunk oldies from Palm Beach ( The Al Gore Bingo Hall Putsch must not be allowed to stand! ( 11-16-2000 ) ) who have now stolen our national election. This FLORIDA KANGAROO COURT IS A STAIN ( Hopping and Bopping at the Florida Kangaroo Court? ( 11-20-2000 ) ) on the rule of law. It made it very obvious in the extreme negative tone it took with the Republicans looking for fairness and partisan way it ruled in favor of the Democrats trying to steal the election with almost a malice for the Florida Executive Branch. It is obvious to everyone that this is election theft plain and simple, only after we who have experienced it have died will the illusion and revision of this episode begin.
Laura Ingraham called it, " stinging rebuke ". I think it is far worse than that.
Hey man what about the military vote? Oh, the GORE KANGAROOS ( The Fix is in? ( 11-19-2000 ) ) don't care about them.
So, what about the deadline written in the Florida election statute, is it now the second Sunday after the election?
I HOPE YOU DIRTYcRATS CHOKE ON THIS EVENTUALLY ( Slobodan Algoresevic? ( 11-17-2000 ) ).
We will know if Al Gore is the new Thief-in-chief on Sunday...
- Bongo ( Check my brain at your door? )