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James Jeffords RATS out GOP!

( or; A supposed New England Republican finally shows his true liberal DIRTYcRAT colors? )

Senator James Jeffords of Vermont today, May 24, 2001, has become the newest liberal Benedict Arnold, Quisling type in leaving the GOP and changing his political party affilliation to so-called Independent. This supreme act of cowardice, on the part of a Senator who voted not to hold the philandering and prejuring Bill Clinton responsible for his impeachable acts, is only the next in a long line of disappointments by supposed Republicans elected from extreme liberal left wing New England states like Maine, Rhode Island or Vermont ( see: Snowe Job? ( 2-17-99 ) ).

Jeffords said of his decision to jump ship like the RAT he is, among other things which were just as suspect and contrived, " I hope the people of Vermont will understand it "? If I was a Republican from Vermont who voted for this turncoat, I would understand just how much he lied through his teeth during the last election cycle!

Jefford is such a coward that he couldn't just switch to the Democrat Party, where flip-floppers and habitual spinmeisters like him really belong, but slinked whimperingly to the non-party of so-called Independents, though declaring he would caucus with the DNC Rodents. I do think, though; that he will feel down right at home as an Independent, joined by other socialists like now fellow Independent Bernie Sanders of the House of Representitives, also from the state of left wing insanity, Vermont ( Wouldn't you just love to be a fly on the wall at their weekly Das Kapital reading sessions? ). It is sad that this switch will cause the RATS to regain a slim margin of a majority and control of the Senate before President George W. Bush had a chance to move his conservative agenda forward for a while to fix what the liberals broke during the Clinton administration. Oh well, the lunatics are going to get control of the asylum yet again, and Wall Street was crashing the day before the announcement, like we all knew it would with the Democrats about to take control over key committees, covering areas like defense and drugs for instance!

I say good riddence to the loyalty challenged Jeffords. This change of the majority can be blamed on him, but I must point out that the GOP lost five seats in the Senate last November, any one of which would have offset Jeffords traitorous cowardly action. I have always said that there are no New England Republicans; there are just RATS who temporarily join the GOP so that they can run against the other liberal Democrat from their area!

A liberal by any other name would still smell like the same, DNC QUID PRO QUO, with Jeffords obviously accepting a chairmanship of a Democrat controlled Senate committee as a bribe or perk for his change of loyalties. I hope the new INDEPENDENT RAT gives back the campaign contributions which a number of Republicans donated, who would never have donated a penny to him had they known he was a sheep in wolf's clothing. I really hope the DIRTYcRATS treat him half as well as they did Monica Lewinsky! I wonder what skeletons Jeffords has in his closet that he didn't want revealed?

The GOP in general should not take this too hard; as the score of Democrats versus Republicans jumping ship in the last two decades is eighteen to one ( put that in your official Marion Berry autographed DNC crack pipe and smoke it? )!

- Bongo ( Hold your nose and type? )

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Updated ( 5-24-2001 )
(c)2001 Bongo.

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