Yesterday, Representitive Frank Wolf of the Commonwealth of Virginia and Gary Bauer, of the Republican Party, hosted a short televised fact finding media segment of just how really vicious and untrustworthy the totalitarian government in Red China really is. This expose' comes shortly before a vote in Congress is expected to grant the despicable lying, human rights violating, government in Beijing ( DIRTY COMMIE RATS ), who have been responsible for the deaths of upwards of SIXTY MILLION INNOCENT VICTIMS, who just happened to be born in the wrong place at the wrong time, permanent normal trade relations ( popularly called most favored nation status - MFN ). This horrible tyranny of human tragedy, on a scale never before seen in human history, dwarves the six million Jews killed by Hitler's Germany and the thirty million innocent non-communists eliminated by Stalin by multiples. This incredible loss of human life is bad enough, but the worst thing is how the United States government, including our most cherished lawmakers and supposed role models, embrace and cuddle these KILLERS, while American businesses clammor to kiss the feet of the holy Mandarin massacre-mongers for a chance to move their factories to the RED LAND OF CHEAP SLAVE LABOR ( and second class merchandise ). This just makes me quite ill!
Before you begin to chastise or defend either the Democrat or Republican factions, I must point out that the loss of spinal rigidity is quite bi-partisan on this issue, with ASS and ELEPHANT alike bowing to the YELLOW PERIL FROM BEIJING in the name of making a quick buck or two. This is not just a case of the politicians putting on the old blinders, but a cool and ( mis ) calculated ploy to take advantage of the blossoming Asian non-market before the other guy ( can surrender to the dark side of the force ).
Our politicians have blood on their hands, and it is not all that of innocent Red Chinese victims. By feeding the BEAST FROM THE EAST our money, nuclear secrets and commercial manufacturing infrastructure, we will all be but their indentured servants, sooner rather than later! The symptoms of this lunacy come in two versions: A ) the receipt of funds from Chinese sources through direct or indirect common bribery ( as in illegal campaign contributions from foreign entities or individuals ) and B ) taking advantage of the Dark Ages like manufacturing environment in China which favors the communist monarchy of upper management and a seemingly endless supply of expendable slave labor force units ( innocent human victims ).
A ) The pseudo-bribery is easy to understand, as our flawed mutating capitalist political system seems to run more and more on the donation of funds with the only question asked being ' what does the donor desire for his money ', as opposed to where or from whom the currency came from! The quid pro quo has become the statis quo, for both parties, in a country which seems to hold political animals who vie for the moral depths instead of the high ground!
B ) Taking advantage of the bribery-based criminal communist envirnoment to manufacture cheap crappy goods to dump on an unwitting but none the less compliant American buying public, for a mere fraction of what it would cost in any other country in the world, is also easy to comprehend. Taking a factory to China allows the owner to avoid such offical edicts and other ' nuisances ', as: 1) pollution laws, 2) paying reasonable minimum wages, 3) unsafe worker conditions, and 4) the almost world-wide ban on slave labor.
Two Chinese dissidents, Li Qiang and Wei Jingsheng, spoke to the assembled audience through an interpretor. They both addressed the issues of the life of a common laborer living in the People's Republic of China. Li Qiang said that he worked in a factory owned by Farberware, which may be familiar to many folks as a maker of household appliances ( now many of which are just cheap throw away items ). I was amazed to hear that the twenty eight workers at his factory divided forty dollars per day as payment for their thirteen hour daily labors. I was equally surprised to hear that the operating officers of these factories literally worked many young and infirm individuals to death. I was quite completely aghast to hear that the factory manager was Taiwanese ( a commie rat by any other name would still smell as sour ). Qiang mentioned many other company names which were familiar, but he offered no direct testimony to their crimes against humanity. Wei Jingsheng showed photographs of Chinese officials lining up human organ donors to be killed and their insides harvested like so many automobile parts, describing how one could pay for replacement human body parts ( this is Larry Niven's " Organ Leggers " coming to real life! ).
I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised about American businesses showing a total lack of any morality what so ever, after almost eight years of the moral relativism of a federal government in Washington D.C. going completely insane under the anti-christ, William Jefferson Clinton!
With the current situation in force, we grant normal trading conditions to the PRC on a yearly basis. If another Tianamen Square massacre were to happen me could revoke the so-called MFN as a punishment or inducement for them to change. So, with a yearly vote we can still put pressure on the totalitarian communist regime to change, but if they become permanent normal trading partners, we no longer can apply the pressure.
I assumed the Democrats would follow their precious philandering President over the proverbial cliff, like the so many lemmings they were during the conspiracy of the minority sham of impeachment, in supporting the SELLOUT TO COMMUNIST CHINA. But, to watch the party of Ronald Reagan sell out to the commie rats in Beijing is close to too much to handle. Republican names like George Bush and Tom DeLay are for it and Democrats like David Bonior and Dick Gephardt are against it ( go figure )? It seems like animals and pets have more legal rights in America than human beings do in the People's Republic of China!
- Bongo ( Vote GOP or learn Chinese? )
Updated ( 5-23-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.