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Wag Y2K?

It's the " Next Millennium Show ", folks!

While the world wide lie about the new millennium beginning this year completely sets in, the " Wag The Dog " types in Washington D.C. give each other high-fives all around. Personally, I believe the hype and fear mongering by the current administration concerning Y2K related activities was unexcusable. To those people familiar with the Clinton crowd's tactics of smear and scare, this was all predictable and standard operating procedure!

The Clinton Fabian Socialist Cronies have benefitted greatly through the administration awarding phoney Y2K related contracts and jobs to those who most rightfully deserved them ( gave the most campaign cash or lied for their fearless leader and/or his consort ).

Some Clinton stooges simply sang for their breakfast. This is best exemplified by Energy Secretary Richardson and National Security Advisor Sandy " Cheese " Berger. They both threw out the negative vibes ala' " Mediscare ", urging folks to stockpile a small supply of food and batteries ' like you were preparing for a natural disaster '. This was all pure baloney, as the new year timezones flew past your broadcast or cable television screens with no power outages or terrorist attacks what so ever.

What an extreme embarassment, after all the hype, that absolutely nothing happened anywhere. The sick thing is that you know there will be no talk of scare tactics or over doing it, but just the supreme pat on the back by an administration well educated in the tactics of creating their own crisis to solve before it happens!

- Bongo ( How many were born this minute? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Is it really safe in here?
Updated ( 1-1-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.

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