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Wag The Polls.

Media polls are the reality based version of the movie " Wag The Dog ".

We all know that almost 90 percent of the media people voted for democrats ( small "d" for eternity ). It is no surprise when the polls keep reflecting an artificially induced positive percentage of people who approve of the president ( small "p" until the current chief execu-philanderer is gone ).

These polls are taken ( or mutated ) by blind, democratic party controlled, amnesiac androids, who slant them to get the results they want. I am having a hard time finding anyone who doesn't think the first pee-wee-herman-ecutive should resign immediately. The polls are fictions, and not even believable fiction.

If you take these polls as what they probably are; polls of democrats, it may seem closer to the truth. The number of 60 percent approval, I could believe of diehard left-wing liberal, bleeding heart, knee jerk, democrats ( did I leave any cliche's out ? ). The oldest poll I am familiar with, Gallup, had the president's approval rating dropping from 60 to 40 percent over night? Which is more believable? Certainly, the partisan polls, or any poll in general, should be taken as the speculative fiction, that it really is.

I wonder, how many democrats were sweating and not laughing, while watching " Wag The Dog "?

- Bongo ( Don't forget what happened to Dustin Hoffman's character... )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Is it really safe in here?

Updated ( 8-19-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.