There was some good work done back in the 60s concerning LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, in assuring equal rights for all no matter what their perceived born discriminatory persuasion was ( sex or skin color, for instance ). After winning this war on bigotry, the mechanisms allowing for this terrific change for the better were not dismantled but retargetted against the imaginary villified enemies of the most radical elements of the unemployed ( or way too over-employed? ) left wing liberal fringe. Not being satisfied with the Civil Rights Act, passage of which truely assured the rights to all, the liberal establishment media juggernaut was turned loose on those who would ( imaginarily ) infringe on the rights of lower forms of life, such as insects or rodents and/or insist on some form of discipline in our nation's schools?
There used to be some mild form of censorship in the American media which protected the nation's children from profanity, pornography and sensless violence on television and to a lesser extent in the movies. Back then, there, more often than not, was a MORAL TO THE STORY; find one these days in a media program, besides some twisted morally relativistic mutation of, IF IT FEELS GOOD, DO IT or THE EVENTUAL END JUSTIFIED WHATEVER MEANS YOU DEEMED NECESSARY TO REACH IT? Well, that last hope for decency is finally gone and take a good long look at the increased amount of violence in both TELEVISION and in our SCHOOLS. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see the connection between this ON SCREEN COMBAT and the AT SCHOOL CARNAGE. Is it intentional or accidental that the loud mouthed liberals, who have now taken over the majority of media oriented positions, refuse to cover this obvious connection when another incident of carnage occurs?
There can be no arguement that our schools are now brutally violent, while they were safe havens in the 60s. The easily recognizable phoney violence of Porky Pig, Donald Duck and The Roadrunner have been replaced in our pre-teenager's Saturday morning cartoon diet with the stylized images of the professional violence of Asian martial arts in Pokeman and Power Rangers. This sets the very young up for a life using physical means to settle every little problem, and they willingly take this to school with them. A pack of ultra-liberal lawyers ( wild dogs with nothing else better to do ) decided that minor children should have more rights. Well, in true liberal lunatic style they took this one over the edge as well. Now, in an America where any physical discipline may punish the adult authority figure with jail time and kids can sue adults, but not the other way around, teachers are scared to assert themseves from fear that they will be accused of abuse or killed, by a minor who knows he will not face the death penalty or life in prison for depriving another of their own life!
Not being satisfied with ruining the media and the schools, the liberal lunatic fringe set it's sights on the countryside. In the years before the liberal lunatics picked our pockets, environmental concerns were lumped together and called CONSERVATION. Decades ago, a Conservation Corps was actually created; to protect watershed for instance. Now this notion has been stood on it's head. The radical minority has now decided for us that a kangaroo rat or even an insect is more important than a family farm or feeding the people, in the form of so-called endangered species acts to protect those on the way to extinction. The problem is that these wackos aren't protecting us from our own path following the dinosaurs. These possibly well intentioned though misguided individuals will not be happy until the Equal Rights Amendment to our Constitution is applied to the animal kingdom!
The Cold War was won by the last great conservative President of the 20th Century, Ronald Reagan. The liberal Democrats are still trying to surrender our freedom to the forces of world socialism, especially our current so-called President, William Jefferson ( gulp ) Clinton. Our airforce, army and navy has been reduced by over one third of it's former size ( and in some cases over half ). In another twisted radical left wing social experiment, the sexes have been mixed together, even in combat assignments, causing a drastic drop in group readiness. Some units are as low as as 20 percent of their former levels if you included those elements effected by equipment procurement cuts, another misguided liberal lunatic notion. I even heard a liberal Democrat on the Senate floor argue that we didn't need as many carrier groups, because we could replace them with Aegis cruisers. This moronic legislator, elected by liberal lemmings, doesn't understand that an aircraft carrier can project force over long distances with it's airplanes, but an Aegis cruiser only has short range anti-aircraft armament and a limited amount of cruise missiles!
The lunatics have attempted to legislate the family out and big government in. The Civil Rights Act has been misused once again, by the extremely radical liberal lunatic fringe, in a cruel attempt to legitimize indecency and perversion over traditional family values. These lowlifes saw the QUOTAS made so popular as implimentation measures to stop discrimination in education and the work place, as ammunition to put forth their miniscule minority agendas from hell! Everyone from the disgusting homosexual Man Boy Society, who love having sex with young boys ( I call it pedophilia ) to radical homosexuals and lesbians who want the same benefits as heterosexual married couples, though they don't collectively have the equipment needed to bear the children together, which spawned the institution of marriage. Let them create their own institution of pairing up, though the vast majority of them who I have come in casual contact with believe in having sex with as many other like minded individuals as possible ( sometimes in the same night, or even moment! ). These pitiful creatures have finally begun to reap what they have sown, in the form of a deadly sexually transmitted disease which is running rampant in their deviant sexual minority lifestyle, AIDS. Horribly, the few bi-sexual people who just can't seem to decide which flavor they like best have spread this scourge to the heterosexual world as well. Luckily, anyone who has the conservative lifestlye and is faithful to a single sexual partner stands little chance of contracting this disease of sexual depravity, unless exposed in public or the workplace by an extremely mere freak of chance or vicious intentional act!
The end of civilization as we know it is near. There is no re-educating the liberal lemmings who have been indoctrinated by the vocal forces of the morally relativistic radical left wing fringe. They have been taught that they needn't worry about the consequences of their own actions and that the world government will solve all their problems? The seeds of our destruction have been planted by our own misguided, and possibly good, intentions. A return to traditional family values and a healthy dose of TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONE'S OWN ACTIONS is the only thing which may put us back on track!
- Bongo ( Check your brain in at the door? )