Happy Thanksgiving to all; except Al Gore and his unholy DIRTYcRATS still holding the nation hostage and watching the ecomony flush itself down the toilet, while they continue to try to STEAL THE ELECTION THROUGH BLATANT ELECTION FRAUD, including creating Gore ballots out of blanks from people who didn't want to pick a president, but still wanted to vote on the local measures.
Back on November 22nd, yesterday, Governor George W. Bush had to comment on what he perceived as PARTISAN POLITICAL LEGISLATION FROM THE BENCH AFTER THE FACT FROM THE FLORIDA SUPREME KANGAROO COURT.
Bush began, " The court has decided that Florida's ( election return certification ) deadline was not a deadline at all... The court has rewritten the law, after the election is over ". He warned, " Votes cast legitimately may be offset by those cast legally "! He was kind, describing what I believe is blatant criminal election fraud and theft to sway the election to Al Gore by Bill Daley's Chicago organized crime and union machines which have moved down to Florida, as, " A process that invites human error and mischief ". He was hot that military ballots were thrown out in mass by Gore operatives who received a DNC produced letter showing ways ( some highly dubious ) to have them disallowed, offering Gore a chance to make amends, " ( Gore ) Join me in seeing that all overseas military ballots are counted ". This will never happen, because contrary to what ever lies Al Gore tells, he will never agree to counting votes he thinks are for Bush! Bush finished, in answer to a question, " I feel the court overstepped it's bounds ".
Whoa, I was impressed...
After seeing a display of suit and tie clad GOP representitives, who were shut out of a room where the DIRTYcRATS wanted to count ( manufacture Gore votes from blanks? ) ballots in a secret hidden manner, beating on the door, shouting, " LET US IN ", the Miami-Dade Canvassing Board went into an emergency session. The problem was that they had counted only the heavy Democrat districts and the heavy GOP Cuban neighborhoods were about to be bypassed and not counted at all, in favor of the thousands of blanks ready to be punched out illegally for the RATBOY Gore! This pouring forth of the actual people in their display of disgust for the DIRTYcRATS and their criminal conduct forced the board to go into a meeting to address their blatant attempt to twist the will of the people of Miami-Dade with their so-called manual recounting. This reminded me of the 1960s or 70s anti-Vietnam War rallies and not a gathering of the GOP.
Miami-Dade had to vote to stop the manual recount, which was about to go into extreme Bush country and start to pile up votes for the Governor, on the grounds that they couldn't get a fair count for lack of time to finish. Obviously, any DIRTYcRAT would just say to count the votes you could tabulate, and laugh out of the other side of their mouth that the Bush votes miraculously didn't have time to be added into the total. REMEMBER A DIRTYcRATS ONLY USES THE FAIRNESS ARGUEMENT WHEN IT THINKS IT CAN GET AN ADVANTAGE! This decision should last about as long as it takes for BILL DALEY to call them and MAKE THEM ON OFFER THEY CAN'T REFUSE!
Bill Daley felt the need to approach the microphone and whine, " It is important that we don't turn our back on the rule of law ". I wouldn't turn my back on that PIECE OF DIRTYcRAT WORK!
Tom Feeney, GOP Florida House Speaker warned that this blatant election theft would not stand, knowing the GOP controlled state legislature could uphold it's own laws being circumvented by the Gore Campaign, observing, " Compelling evidence of widespread mischief ", calling the phoney manufacture of Gore votes under the guise of counting as, " Charade that is going on now "!
Ted Olson, Bush Campaign attorney, commented on two federal filings by them to bring the United States Supreme Court into the fray after the PARTISAN DIRTYcRAT KANGAROO SUPREME COURT OF FLORIDA REARED IT'S UGLY RAT HEAD IN FAVOR OF ( Chicago? ) MOB RULE. He started, they, " turned the election there into chaos ". He was firm with a description of the partisan Florida court's politically charged and motivated ruling, " violates the federal statute that the rules governing tabulations of votes be prior to the election ". He described the twisted process going on as, " seemingly endless, constantly changing, counting "!
I don't get it. The DIRTYcRAT JUDGE BURTON openly said, " Determining intent from a ballot card is impossible ". Huh? This is just what they claim to be doing right now!
GOP United States Senator John Kyle weighed in with an appearence, saying, " I understand the number nationally for those who didn't vote for president was about one and a half percent; it so happens Palm Beach County's is at one point six percent ". Finally, someone has the guts to tell it like it is! THIS IS PROOF POSITIVE THAT THE DIRTYcRATS ARE TRUELY MANUFACTURING GORE VOTES FROM BLANKS!!!
The BOB BECKEL MAGGOT continued to sink to Larry Flynt levels, as he preyed upon the GOP electors with his own brand of extreme sleaze. " I am not compiling files on the these electors ", he probably ( obviously? ) lied. Why does MSNBC give this vulture a second of airtime?
On Fox News Network, Democrat, and extreme Clinton impeachment defender/apologizer, says, " both parties "; what he really means when he says that is the DIRTYcRAT PARTY.
I had to see how that snivvler Groomaldo was taking this trashing of any integrity left in his holy Democrat party, so I tuned in to CNBC for a couple of minutes. Predictably, the DNC uber alles, the end justifies whatever means imaginable, Groomaldo asked former Clinton spinmeister, Joe Noheart, " Do you think George Bush stoled the election ". Oh man, is this a classic case of psychological transference or what? I just had to look, ( having read the book? ) to see the spinning and twisting of the extreme left wing liberals in SPEWING THEIR DIRTYcRAT BILE. I think Groomaldo is secretly bummed out that he doesn't have the conviction ( oh, maybe he has that? ) to be in that hallway in Palm Beach demonstarting for TRUTH, JUSTICE AND THE AMERICAN WAY!
After Gore is finally run out of Washington D.C. on a rail, he and his DNC RATS are going to have to explain why they put the country through the economic and mental turmoil they have, AFTER CONCEDING ON ELECTION NIGHT!
- Bongo ( Pass some turkey flavored gas? )
Updated ( 11-23-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.