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Clinton Terrorist-in-chief?

or, All Hail Ossama Bin Clinton!

President Bill Clinton has invoked Executive Privilege again; as he has more than any other President in history. The subject of the latest invocation had about as much to do with national security ( the normal reason for Executive Privilege ) as those asserted during the Monica Lewinsky and Whitewater investigations. The Congress wants to take a look at the White House documents involved in his grant of clemency for the FALN terrorists, and obviously Bill will have nothing to do with something like turning over any information to Congressional committees.

Reportedly, the White House had this to say:

" With the legal advice of the Attorney General, the president is invoking Executive Privilege over certain documents and testimony relating to the grant of clemency ", whined White House counsel's office spokesman Jim Kennedy. Come on man, ofcourse Janet Reno would advise that; she is nothing but a trained dog jumping through Clinton's hoops!

White House Deputy Counsel Cheryl Mills did Clinton's bidding with, " Pursuant to the Constitution and the separation-of-powers doctrine, the President's authority to grant clemency is not subject to legislative oversight ". You know, she is undoubtedly correct on this, but I think that Clinton has a moral responsibility to tell the people why he let convicted terrorists out of jail, while supposedly waging his own war on world terrorism!

The Senate had this to say:

September 14, 1999 in Roll Call Vote No. 273 on the FALN Terrorist Clemency, by ninety-five yeas to two nays, they nearly unanimously passed S.J. Res. 33, deploring the actions of President Clinton regarding granting this clemency to the Armed Forces of National Liberation. Those who voted nay, were real extreme left wing socialist Democrats Daniel Akaka and Paul Wellstone. Three Senators did not vote and they were: John McCain ( R ), Bob Graham ( D ), and Judd Gregg ( R ).

The Senate Judiciary Committee members had this to say, on September 15th:

Dianne Feinstein ( D ) amazingly said, " It isn't okay. All of a sudden they are some kind of heroes for all this. I have a hard time understanding all this ".

Robert Torricelli ( D ) echoed, " It should not have happened. This is not any legitimate movement of liberation. I regret greatly the actions of this President. The people of the FALN are not heroes; they are cowards ".

Chuck Grassley ( R ) pointed out that, " the Executive Branch should have at least asked the victims ".

Gilbert Gallegos, Fraternal Police Order, was a witness at the committee's hearing and said, " It's like getting a punch to the stomach ".

Orrin Hatch ( R ) summed up with, " Another example of this administration sending the wrong message to terrorists. This testimony ( that of his committee exposing the FALN as highly terrorist in nature and the ones offered clemency as being with blood on their hands ) has refuted the notion that these prisoners were not involved in criminal affairs "!

Many people believe Bill and Hillary Clinton are running a scam to benefit her possible run for the Senate in New York, where there are almost one and one half million Puerto Rican voters residing. Personally, I believe that Clinton may have been paying back the Puerto Rican, Geraldo Rivera for his Joan-of-arcing of convicted felon Susan MacDougal and his blind mindless support of Clinton on national television?

- Bongo ( Plant some verbal bombs? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...
Updated ( 9-18-99 )
(c)1999 Bongo.

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