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Sublimate This!

( or, Has the democRAT party resorted to fraud in attacking an anti-DNC campaign advertisement? - Oh, they wouldn't do thaaaat... )

Many moons ago, before majors like ethnic or gay studies were even thought up, I wrote a research paper on subliminal advertising. The University awarded me an A on the paper and I received an A in the class, in an environment where the truth or falsity of your work, and the grammar, was still counted in the determination of your final grade!

I laughed out loud when I saw such a big deal was being made by the left wing socialist media and democRAT operatives about letters spelling out the word RATS appearing briefly in a supposed conservative campaign advertisement criticizing the way the current adminsitration has and would handle our nation's health care system. Shame on these political operatives, pundits and talking heads; they were really reaching for nothing on this one!

First, it is possible to pull any one frame out of the whole of a video presentation and scream how it is trying to play to the subliminal level, even though it is actually there for many frames in reality. Though not quite so egregious as that, as in the spot in question the hand written word BUREAUCRATS is flashed repeatedly all around the screen over the typed text of the message; in typical lying democRAT style their puny plan was to contend that the hand written text was flashed only once and at a subliminal frame rate level. Anyone watching the entire actual spot, and not some fraudulent misleading doctored democRAT copy will see that the word BUREAUCRATS was flashed many times all over the screen in order to hammer the point home that in Al Gore's socialized medicine health care plan, he would have a bureaucrat decide your health care needs instead of your doctor. What the liberal, DNC uber alles, crowd did was to take the single frame out of context with the rest and lie about it; something they have become very good at lately!

Second, subliminal advertising does work and it was outlawed decades ago. So, prosecute the ones who are responsible, if this is truely a case of the old ploy to induce folks to buy candy, drinks and popcorn at the drive-in movies! Additionally, though, fraud is also illegal!!

I smell stale cheese on that democRAT's breath!!!

- Bongo ( Squeak squeak, squeak? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...

Updated ( 9-21-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.

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