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Unsafe at any speed.

Democrat = Damnation!

Democrats, who still support the philandering president ( always small "p" for this president, as he deserves absolutely no respect from the people of the United States ) have become the lowest form of life on the face of the planet.

To recover whatever small semblence of respect the democratic ( always small "d", until they stop their blind defense of this morally bankrupt president ) party may be able to piece together, there must be swift and direct response to the condescending vial attack the president made after being forced to admitt his sexual sickness to the Grand Jury.

Yesterday was the darkest day, so far, in the history of the office of President of The United States.

Not only was the president forced to testify before the Grand Jury by subpoena ( yeah, right they withdrew it after he agreed to testify for some unknown reason, but anyone with half a brain knows he wasn't going to do it without being compelled to do so ), but he then went in front of the people and lied to us again, in a defiant manner, attacking the opposition party and the Federal prosecutor. This attack speech was more abusive and partisan than the Nixon " I am not a crook " speech!

His sick amoral philandering attitude is up to interpretation, but his continued blatant outright lying to the public is reprehensible and absolutely unforgivable! His lying and perjury in the court system is grounds for immediate impeachment.

His " apology " was actually an attack on those searching for the truth.

I saw the drivel that was a poor excuse for a speech, over and over again, like everyone else. With each repeat, it became more obvious that it was no apology at all, but a vicious attack using his power of the office to get his lies out to the public. Does the First Philanderer think we were all born yesterday? Does this king of sexual sleaze think we all have two digit IQs ? He wagged his finger at us in January and lied directly, yesterday it was more of the same. As far as I can see, he only sort of apologized for " not volunteering information " in his lying deposition for the Paula Jones case. Not volunteering information? Is that his way of saying LIE? He then brought up, in pure attack dog fashion: an imagined conspiracy againt him, a call for the investigation of him to stop, a call for an investigation of the Federal officer assigned to his case to begin, and a shifting of the blame to everyone else but him. He didn't just pass the buck, but passed the GRENADE! His disgraceful performance, cost him any possible support he may have had from Orrin Hatch, a Republican. He let his blind supporters hang out to dry, by not addressing his lying to them, in that misuse of the bully pulpit ( ofcouse, he is no stranger to misuse and abuse of political power ).

Most of the politicians and talking heads showed their true colors. Who could ever forget democratic ( remember small " d " forever ) Representitive Chaka Fattah, and the shit eating grin that he couldn't wipe off his face, as he continued to lie through his teeth for his beloved sexual prevert party leader! Geraldo Rivera continued his partisan attack the messanger tactics, in blindingly supporting the first orator; you just had to laugh at Rivers's ( remember when he changed his name? ) infantile assertions. I spent little time watching these blatant partisan ravings at CNBC and the CNN ( DNN ) democratic party lovefest on Larry King ( what world are these two living in, anyway? ).

The only bright spot yesterday, was the way two of the usually partisan talking heads reacted.

On Hannity and Colmes, Alan Colmes was truely outraged by the first sexual predator's lack of remorse, apology, and taking the blame. He seemed truely disgusted at the first felon's ( possibly ) attack on our judicial system and the people of the country who want the truth to come out. He may yet pass the " Micheal Kinsley " test!

On Gerlado's Flying Circus, Marsha Clarke made up for her past antics by loudly expousing the truth, against the protestations of the illogical Rivera and his group of first fellatio-man apologists. My hat, in fact every hat I own, is off to her!

The quote of the day goes to Sean Hannity for, " mind numbed Clinton apologist robots " ( I had trouble typing the capital "c" ).

- Bongo ( There is no doubt now, Hillary definately wears the pants, in that dysfunctional family! )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Is it really safe in here?

Updated ( 8-18-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.