The victory may be for the Democrat party, but the loss is not for the Republicans; the loss is for, ' we the people '. One could speculate on the reasons for the demise of the conservatives: caving in on the budget, the impeachment process, or the public simply believing the lies of the DNC campaign ads. I believe the power of the television media, as a brain washing device, has been proven ( was it ever in doubt? ). One thing is for sure though, the people have spoken on their wish to be led, and not to lead themselves!
Big Federal government will now be on the rise, and it will do everything for you ( just like the majority wanted ). The elation you may be feeling right now, may turn into the grief that future generations will feel, as the lock on everything from education to health care will probably reside in Washington D.C.
Big Brother is watching, and coming!
The Whitehouse, labor unions and organized crime will control your air, water, education, entertainment, morality, health care, and your income. Does this sound familiar? This model didn't work in the CCCP or Red China. We are truely being witness to the beginning of the end of our democracy, and ushering in the new world order of global socialism ( Bill and Hillary are very proud of this humble beginning ).
Neitzche did believe that the masses were sheep and want to be controlled. This election was a referendum on who wears the collar and who holds the leash. The public has put on the collar and given the leash to the corrupt politicians. The Founders are rolling in their graves; as their ' government for the people, by the people ', is heading toward, ' government of the people, by the politicians ' !
So, don't blame me; if one day in the future, you take a look and can't find your personal freedom, anymore!
- Bongo ( I am still proud to be an undeclared and non-partisan voter. )
Updated ( 11-4-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.