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Safe at The Secret Service?

Secret Service integrity still intact.

If anything good has come out from the OIC Clinton Impeachment Referral; it is the affirmation that the Secret Service did not actively help Bill Clinton in his illegal cover-up, of the lurid affair he had with Monica Lewinsky.

The Secret Service must be commended on their honesty and willingness to step forward. It made me very happy to see that the agents would freely and truthfully answer all questions, when asked. Any temporary silence they had, was in respect for the office of the Presidency, and not the particular President in power. They proved that they were not Clinton's Gestapo, but loyal government officers, sworn to uphold the law!

From the grounds section of the OIC referral, " six current or former members of the Secret Service testified that the President and Ms. Lewinsky were alone in the Oval Office area -- Robert Ferguson,(136) Lewis Fox,(138) William Bordley,(139) Nelson Garabito,(140) Gary Byrne,(141) and John Muskett.(142) ".

There was an incident with Monica Lewinsky at the Whitehouse front gate. The President wanted them to forget it ever happened; they didn't forget!

These officers deserve our profound gratitude and congratulations on a job well done!

- Bongo ( The only SS in America, may be (S)lick willie's whitehouse (S)taff? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Is it really safe in here?

Updated ( 9-13-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.