* Tim Russert was ' Eating the Blessed ', as he had an exclusive with former Senator Warren Rudman, who was tasked with writing a report on the acquisition of secret technologies from the United States. " These waepons are not safe, these secrets are not safe...It has been an accident waiting to happen for twenty years ", he began. He used words like " arrogant " to describe a Department of Energy not being serious about the " polygraph tests " or " foreign visitors ". He wants an independent agency within the Department of Energy to oversee the labs. Personally, I think they should dump DOE all together and put the labs under the Department of Defense, where they really belong. He was not kind to the Clinton administration, saying, " If it wasn't for the New York Times breaking the story, I wouldn't be here ". On the President lying about when he became aware of the Red Chinese penetration of the labs in a news conference earlier this year, Rudman said, " I don't understand it, you have to ask him ". Finally, Russert asked him how long it will be before the labs are safe, and he replied, " Eighteen months ". Oh man, this Clinton character has really sold our country out for campaign cash!
Dan Quayle, former vice president and current GOP candidate for President, encouraged the Congress to " pass the Dingle proposal and send it down to the President and see if he vetoes it ". On the Clinton/DNC/Whitehouse declared glorious victory over tiny sovereign Yugoslavia, Quayle opined, " This was a failed foreign policy...they thought Milosevic would give in after a few days of bombing ". He was quite concerned about the " reverse ethnic cleansing " by the Clinton supported KLA ( UCK ), saying only " you see the Serbs leaving ". I would have been quite a bit more harsh on the KLA drug cartel. He did get a bit more serious, with, " Six months down the road you will see it is not the victory they are declaring ". Showing great foreign policy savy, he said, " It's not Kosovo, Milosevic...China is our challenge ".
So he wouldn't lose his Democrat sponsors, Russert then had Bob Woodward on to pander to the DNC. The only question I would want answered, would be why didn't he ( Woodward ) come forward with the information before the failed removal vote in the Senate. The answer is quite obvious to all, in that Woodward is a loyal Democrat above all else. His book Shadow is definately round file material. Last came Punch and Judy, James Carville and Mary " Reptile Lover " Matalin. They engaged in a worthless discourse.
*Sam Donaldson was out of the country for ' The Geeks ', today. The program made me wonder why every new gun control measure is always heralded as the final last catch-all, but why do they always want another one passed the very next Congress?
Representitive Richard " Get that sodium pentathal and polygraph test machine away from me " Gephardt, House minority leader, said, " The gun lobby is very strong ". Funny, I thought it was the second amendment hating gun control lobby who want to take away our Constitutional right to bear arms. He whined sickeningly, " The Republican leadership seems to be doing exactly what the NRA wanted ". Well, if upholding the Constitution is what he is talking about, they maybe he is right?
Next came Representitive Tom DeLay, House majority whip, was he old, don't take any crap from media talking heads, self. He began, " The only thing they ( Democrats ) offered was how much bigger they could build the government, the village ". Nice, huh? He followed on, " We weren't playing politics, they played politics ". When Russert confronted DeLay, like a Clinton/DNC/Whitehouse obedience trained doberman, on John Dingle's Democrat proposal for a twenty-four hour time limit on gunshow instant background checks, he replied, " If the government is going to do the instant-check, they should open their offices on the weekends ". My sentiments exactly. On the Clinton-socialist agenda, DeLay said, " The government has told parents they will raise their children for them ". He continued, " This culture raises children who kill children ". Finally, in a accusatory tone, he indicted the failed Clinton-socialist project with, " We park children in front of television; we park children in front of video games ".
Lastly, they had Clinton's main one world government socialist ultra-left wing partner, Tony Blair, British Prime Minister, socialist super-hawk as long as it is someone else's troops being in harms way. On the Kosovo Liberation Army Drug Cartel, Blair puffed, " I believe they will disarm ". He proudly pointed out, " The only reason they are back in their homes, is NATO ". No way man; the reason is Bill Clinton, not NATO. He bragged, " Their economy is crippled ". I guess he forgot that the Clinton controlled NATO puppets did the crippling? He did the Adolf Hitler routine with, " We couldn't allow this racial genocide to go on in the middle of Europe ". I think history will eventually tell that it was NATO and the terrorist KLA murders, who did the genocide, not the Serbs
*' Erasing any Damnation ', Bob Schieffer continued his DNC lovefest with a softball game with White House spinmeister, Jack Quinn. Only Gloria Borger salvaged any form of real criticism and/or objectivity, as she exposed the Al Gore catch-all mantra answer about Clinton's conduct in office of, " Have you ever had a friend who disappointed you ", by playing the three seperate times he used this very phrase to answer differently worded questions.
Senator Tom Daschle ( The Daschle Dog ), minority leader, showed that his Clinton/DNC/Whitehouse choke-chain marks were still very clearly evident with a patronizing series of remarks about the phoney Columbine High School shooting inspired, gun control measures/political footballs and his omnipotent living Goddess Hillary Clinton running for emperor. " There is a dim hope we can put it back in, in conference ", he said, of the silly draconian gun control measures the anti-gun lobby paid the Democrats to put forth. He pledged and worshipped, " I think Hillary Clinton is the dream candidate ". Whoa man, seems more like a New Yorker's worst nightmare to me!
Finally, Steve Forbes, the Bill Gates-like nerd of politics though truthful to the bone, got to play to the mainstream media with, " There should be tightening up of gun control laws ". I was about to puke until he explained further, " When you enforce existing laws, the results are dramatic ". He correctly opined, " The Democrats are more interested in having an issue ".
*Wolf's cologne wasn't making it, as ' Deflated Edition ' was a typical Bill Clinton love-fest allowing the President to vomit all over everything that is right. I won't even dignify it with any further comment.
You know, this kind of pabulum is not in the least bit entertaining or relevant.
- Bongo ( Spin your own yarn? )