*On ' Eat The Pus ', Tim Russert continued to sit, stay and heel for his Clinton/DNC/Whitehouse masters, as he still dodged the real issues like DNC fund raising abuses and the treason of selling the People's Republic of China our deepest nuclear and associated technologies.
Russert began with the Clinton administration's newest favorite smoke screen item, the Cuban displaced child/political football Elian Gonzalez. Richard Alarcon, president of the Cuban National Assembly ( and true commie rat ) was on live via sattellite to have a phoney conversation concerning the on-going saga of the American virtual kidnapping of the six year old child by refusing to return him to his rightful remaining parent. The boy's father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, lives in Cuba and wants his son returned to him after his wife stole him in an attempted escape to Florida. Russert urged Alarcon to " open up the borders; let the people out ". Alarcon countered that " you ( America ) would have to make room for millions from South America and Africa ", should the United States really open itself up. What a load of commie bull!
I would ask you to consider this one easy to understand point; how would you feel if it was some Muslim Fundalmentalist parent keeping an American child of Muslim parents in Iran, after fleeing the United States? I think the answer would be quite clear, you would want the child returned to his or her rightful American parent in the United States immediately! I believe that if we don't return Elian to his father in Cuba, any foreign parent will feel safe in kidnapping and/or simply removing a child from the United States illegally. The Elian Gonzalez precedent would be quoted in any foreign court of law, family or otherwise. I don't sympathize with nor do I like Cuba, though I wish JFK hadn't sold the democratic freedom fighters there down the river, back at the " Bay of Pigs ". We have no choice but to return this boy to his natural father, even though he lives in the vicious Communist dictatorship of Fidel Castro!
Republican Senator and one of the declared candidates in the GOP presidential primaries, John McCain, was the next guest. The liberal in the clothing of a conservative, began with, " It's been a long time since I have listened to that kind of Communist rhetoric, where wrong is right and up is down ". I guess McCain never listens to the current North Korean or Red Chinese english language short wave radio broadcasts ( and I thought they were supposed to be our friends now? ). McCain continued, by describing the condition in Cuba as an " absolute denial of human rights and freedom ". In reference to yesterday's huge demonstrations for the return of Elian in Cuba, he joked, " They sure know how to orchestrate a spontaneous demonstration ". Russert asked, " Would a President McCain return the boy "? McCain answered quite simply, " No, I would not " ( something which Democrats usually seem incapable of doing without taking a poll ). To round out the attack questioning, Russert brought up conflicting comments McCain made about the flying of the Confederate flag, as a heritage or racism? McCain danced around the issue once again, saying it meant heritage to some and racism to others, insisting that presidential candidates should not weigh in on it.
In true Russert smiling style, he had a Clinton cronie love-fest with the integrity challenged James Carville ( who never met a lie which benefitted the DNC that he didn't like ) and his ( turncoat? ) wife Mary Matalin. In closing, they played their mindless political games for the, double digit IQ and still drowsy on a Sunday morning, crowd!
*' The Weak Kneed Who Worship Cokie Roberts ' began with the Clinton/DNC/Whitehouse ordered politically correct story of Elian Gonzalez ( I am really getting tired of the way these liberals keep beating this dead horse; and I thought they didn't favor being cruel to animals? ), starring John " The Rodent " Podesta, White House chief of staff. This was to be the typical scripted Clinton double- speak that we have all grown so tired of, as Podesta squeaked that Clinton agreed with the INS that the boy should be returned, but then he doesn't return him. The Rodent squealed to, " let the INS do it's work "!
Cokie Roberts then turned to the faux Clinton budget proposal which offers phoney cures for all our problems, ignoring that the added costs eclipse any perceived surplus and/or the Social Security Trust Fund as well. Sam Donaldson asked about busting the budget caps ( spending limits; to be followed by Republicans and laughed at by Democrats ) and the rat ( uh, Rodent ) weasled, " We don't think anyone knows what the budget caps are anymore ". Read that one twice if you think their is an ounce of integrity available in the DNC! The Rodent cut the cheese ever more, when he claimed the new Clinton budget would " pay off the entire national debt by 2006 "? I thought that I may have heard wrong, but you could actually see Podesta's nose growing ala' Pinnochio. Haven't these liberal Democrats learned that their lies must at least be some what believable? I guess not!
The Weak finished off with a George W. Bush attack-fest starring the Republican king of negative, misleading political advertising, Steve Forbes. It was just so special, watching Forbes regurgitate his lame excuses for running the vicious ads his does, which smear fellow Republicans.
I am beginning to think that you have to turn the radio on these days to get the truth without the spin.
- Bongo ( Spin me a yarn? )