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The Revolution of Rats?

or, The weak defaced the nation?

*Speaker of The House Dennis Hastert ( R ) and House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt ( D ) ' Faced Off ' indirectly on the issue of the President vetoing the budget and tax cut bill sent to him by the Congress ( dishonestly called every name in the book in a partisan manner by the democRATs ). Hastert said that they will not dip into the Social Security Trust Fund and " there will be no government shut-down ". Gephardt said, " I think we are going to miss the deadline ( the budget deadline ) ". He then blamed the Republicans for this, though it was his precious President Clinton who has, in fact, caused the delay? Hastert was not partisan, but Gephardt continued to wash the White House dishes for his supper, making sure he hit the Clinton/DNC/Whitehouse talking points fax memo mantra of describing the Republican efforts as " gimmicks ", as many times as humanly possible in the short interview he had with Bob Schieffer. Through his lying antics supporting his holy, living God Pharoah Bill Clinton during the impeachment process, Gephardt has honed his Pinnochio skills. He Pinnochioed, " They ( Republicans ) have been wasting time "? Funny, how these disingenuous democRATs can continue to perpretrate their campaign of lies, with a little help from the Liar-in-chief whose lease is quickly running out on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave!

*From Bill Krystal to George Step-on-all-of-us and Sam Donaldson to George Will, Cokie Roberts presided over a round table which showed their true liberal partisan nature or White House obedience training, by misquoting Pat Buchanan and joining in villifying him through misleading statements and possibly even blatant lies. How a Buchanan race for the presidency became the big deal topic, instead of other much more pressing issues, is a mystery to me ( only because I haven't read the White House talking points memo on Buchanan's book, I bet )! They tried to paint Buchanan as a Nazi sympathizer, when Pat only was pointing out the political games that were played before, during and after World War II. Buchanan correctly pointed out things like: 1) The British won the aerial Battle of Britain and a German invasion of England became an impossibility after that, and that was months and months before the Japanese sneak attacked Pearl Harbor; 2) The British and French drove Germany to align itself with Russia over Poland in 1939; and 3) America abandoned it's army in the Phillipines to help a Europe who had already began to defeat Germany by December 1941 ( Moscow was sucessfully defended and the German campaign in North Africa was never a serious threat and even considered a minor theater operation by the OKW itself ).

With all this Nazification of Pat Buchanan, what these liberal talking heads seem to forget is that Hitler may have mercilessly murdered six million Jews, but Joseph Stalin of Russia caused the death of an estimated twenty plus million innocent people in the same approximate time frame! Does this make the media dogs who crow about this phoney issue, ' communist sympathizers '? One thing they never seem to mention is that France invaded Germany when Germany attacked Poland, but the French troops refused to advance out of sight of their Maginot Line bunkers, though they met little or no resistance, as the German army was obviously in Poland! Isn't twenty-twenty hindsight a wonderful thing?

Sadly, all the Sunday talking heads ignored or down played; the Red Chinese espionage and security at our nuclear laboratories, the release of the FALN terrorists and the WACO Justice Department investigation, stories? Only departing Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan's endorsement of " Dollar " Bill Bradley over the " not electable " Clinton puppet, Al Gore, got any other substantial airtime or mention.

- Bongo ( Feed the animals? )

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Is it really safe in here?
Updated ( 9-26-99 )
(c)1999 Bongo.

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