If there were any doubts left about the sick and twisted selfish foreign policy legacy based on personal political monetary gluttony instead of the survival of our precious nation, which ex-president ( and I use that term lightly ) Bill Clinton The Impeached left for George W. Bush, it should be extrmely clear now, to even the most liberal leaning rodent, that the coddling and cuddling of the vicious totalitarian communist dictatorship in Red China has paid off in extreme embarassment and additional security breachings for the United States of America, in the recent seizure of an EP - 3 Orion maritime reconnaissance aircraft in international air space ( If you have forgotten how Clinton and the DNC have ( had ) sold out to the Red Chinese for campaign cash, just download and read: House Select Committee on National Security: Report on Chinese Espionage: The Christopher Cox Report ( zipfile ) ).
President George Bush will be facing a crisis not unlike the one which proceeded World War II, when the world appeased Nazi Germany in the person of Adolf Hitler, in our newest and possibly greatest enemy ever, Red China. The news reports, and official Washington D.C. sources parrot that there was a collision between an American aircraft and one from the People's Republic of China, causing the Red Chinese fighter to crash into the sea and the full size multi-engine U.S. aircraft to seek an emergency landing on a Communist Chinese held island. I believe this is a white wash of what has really happened. It has been two full days and the commie rats are swarming over the aircraft and they have made prisoners of the crew of twenty-four men and women.
In the atmosphere in Washington where they are considering the sale of very modern naval warships to Taiwan, which the Red Chinese are eager to send a message not to do that: THE SEIZURE OF THE MARITIME AIRCRAFT IS JUST THAT SIGNAL!
In the atmosphere in Washington where they are considering the acceleration of the construction of an anti-ballistic missile shield for the United States, which the Red Chinese communists are deathly afraid of: THE SEIZURE OF THE P-3 IS A SIGNAL NOT TO DO THAT!
Finally, in the atmosphere in Beijing of annexation of the island of Taiwan by any means, the message to the USA is hands off the region: THE SEIZURE OF THE UNITED STATES AIRCRAFT AND BLATANT DISREGARD FOR INTERNATIONAL LAW SIGNALS FOR US TO KEEP OUR NOSES OUT OF THE CHINA SEA AREA!
While the Red Chinese international news media talks up the their blatant ACT OF WAR as though the unprotected American piston engined aircraft was the aggressor and caused the jet powered fighter to crash, they still admit that the action began over seventy miles into international waters. The American news media seems content to report this deliberate provocation and seizure as an accident; not the most egregious criminal act of international piracy since the North Korean seizure of the ship Pueblo it really is.
The liberal news media seems to ignore some obvious things which point toward this being an intentional provocation ( Like it isn't? ):
1) The Red Chinese have become more and more aggressive in their interception of American maritime reconnaisance flights over the last six months, prompting official protests by the United States.
2) For those who may swallow the accidental crash pabulum, the two Red Chinese fighters which allegedly made the interception are high performance jet fighters ( F-8 ); copies of Russian Migs ( Mig-21 ) built in the old CCCP and American aircraft is a large slow moving four piston engine equipped beast, actually based on the old Lockheed Electra airliner from the 1960s. For those who were born yesterday, or the day before; a slow airliner could not easily cause a mid-air collision with a more nimble and fast jet fighter!
3) Both the People's Republic of China and the United States agree that the action began seventy miles from the nearest land; clearly in international air space by the laws of the vast majority of the countries of the world.
4) At the time of this writing, it has been two full days since the seizure and the Red Chinese have refused to release or even grant interviews to the captured members of the crew, who now I assume we can call PRISONERS.
5) Over two days ago, the Red Chinese forcibly took the crew, presumably to face interogation and possibly torture, and they have begun to inspect the sensitive equipment inside the cabin, against the wishes and protestations of our government.
6) The totalitarian communist Red Chinese have arrogantly released a statement that tomorrow, they will allow a representitive of the United States to see the crew ( PRISONERS ).
7) All this is happening while the Red Chinese are trying to get to host the 2008 Olympics. That sort of reminds me of how Berlin hosted the 1936 Olympics on the eve of World War II?
The unclear reponse by the Bush White House could be one of intentional vagueness to cover-up negotiation, but if a strong response is not forthcoming, we will have sealed our fate in the FUTURE WAR WITH RED CHINA.
What I can't believe is that the American pilot has landed in the People's Republic of China. This illustrates the difference between the patriotism of our fighting men from the Twentieth Century and commercial pilots to be of our current military makeup. A pilot from the Cold War would never had been forced down in enemy territory alive and most certainly would have ditched at sea and not surrendered his aircraft to the enemy. Hopefully, the sailors on board that aircraft destroyed classified machinery. If it surfaces that this aircraft was being piloted by a woman, that will open a whole new kettle of fish!
It has been two full days and these have been sad days for America; unless a swift response comes soon...
- Bongo ( Better dead than red? )
Updated ( 4-2-2001 )
(c)2001 Bongo.