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Florida Supreme Kangaroo Court Has Gore Votes in Their Pouches!

( or, The Bush Campaign is hopping mad at the Florida Supreme Court? )

Hopefully the United States Supreme Court will overturn the partisan Democrat Party political decision made by the Florida Supreme Court in erasing portions of the Florida written election law while the election is still under way. I believe the Florida Supreme Court has proven themselves to be little or no better than the criminals and their cases which they render so-called justice on, in stealing the vote certification authority from the Florida State Attorney General and rewriting the Florida election code with the obvious intent to subvert the Constitution of the United States of America and install their precious Prince of Gore ( Darkness ) in the White House. The Democrat members of the Kangaroo Court are no better than common thieves, helping their extreme evil/liberal RAT BUDDIES MANUFACTURING GORE VOTES FROM BLANK UNPUNCHED BALLOTS by extending a date certain for certification and creating their own new one almost two weeks later ( TO ALLOW SUFFICIENT TIME FOR ENOUGH GORE VOTES TO BE CREATED FROM, CHICAGO MOB BOSS, CORRUPT LABOR UNION, THIN AIR? ). I contend that figuratively the FLORIDA KANGAROO COURT IS PULLING GORE VOTES FROM THEIR COLLECTIVE POUCHES!

Make no bones about it, the DIRTYCRATS are not concerned with their public media mantra of MAKING SURE EVERY VOTE IS COUNTED, but MAKING SURE GORE WINS THE ELECTION AT ALL COSTS ( to: decency, integrity, justice, truth, our nation's economy, or our nation's appearence internationally ). Proof positive of this in the way Al Gore and Joseph Lieberman lie blatantly to the collective faces of all, through media press conferences; in urging, misleadingly, out of one side of their proverbial mouths to count the military overseas ballots, which DIRTYcRAT lawyers have contested, but out of the other, they order their cronies to continue objecting to any counting or recounting of these same ballots! How can any liberal, who claims they are concerned with so-called fairness, CONDONE THIS BLATANT ELECTION FRAUD AND THEFT ( Not to mention the trivialization of the members of our armed forces overeas! )?

GOP Representitive from Arkansas Asa Hutchinson, acting as a ballot count observer, described the questionable practices by poll workers going on in the Democrat controlled counting rooms of Broward County and Palm Beach County. He called for some form of sanity to reign, " It is an impossible task...to determine the intent of the voter ". In light of this, he said the Democrats continue their so-called counting with a majority of canvassing board votes in both counties, so that there can be no protest honored nor Gore vote thrown out! His description was very disturbing, " This is not about votes for Gore or Bush. I see a ballot there with no vote there and it goes into a pile for "...WHO DO YOU THINK?

Ex-United States Senator and World War II veteran, Bob Dole continued to push for the military absentee overseas ballots to be counted and the election theft to be stopped. The chant was, " Count until you win ", after he described the Gore Campaign as endlessly, " counting until they get the result they want, a win for Al Gore ".

Here is one example of alleged DIRTYcRAT ELECTION FRAUD. GOP Governor Frank Keating was an observer watching the DIRTYcRATS CREATING GORE VOTES FROM FIVE HUNDRED NON-MILITARY ABSENTEE BALLOTS THEY MYSTERIOUSLY FOUND BUT NOT COUNTING THE FOUR HUNDRED REJECTED OVERSEAS MILITARY ABSENTEE BALLOTS! Keating first decribed the absentee ballots as paper punch-outs mounted on waffer thin styrofoam. This is the most easily punched material known to man? He said that he observed numerous numbers of ballots with absolutely no indication of a vote in the presidential area but the rest all punched for Democrats, being declared votes for Gore because the two Democrats on the canvassing board voted it so. This is digraceful and illegal! The reason they gave Keating for scoring these obviously totally blank ballots for their boy Gore, was that it was clearly a partisan Democrat ballot and NOBODY WOULD EVER NOT VOTE FOR A PRESIDENT! This makes me want to vomit! The percentage nationally for those who do not vote for president is one and one-half percent; this would be over ten thousand in a county with six hundred and fifty thousand voters. THESE DIRTYcRAT CRIMINALS MUST BE PROSECUTED AFTER THE VOTE TALLY IS CONCLUDED, WHETHER OR NOT THEY ARE ABLE TO MANUFACTURE THE NUMBER OF VOTES NEEDED BY SUNDAY TO SWAY THE ELECTION FORE GORE!!!

I firmly believe that the Florida Supreme Kangaroo Court knew exactly what they were doing, when they changed Florida written law in an unholy effort to give their DIRTYcRAT ballot box stuffers the extra time they needed to finish their DIRTY WORK?

Democrats truely are the lowest form of life on planet Earth!

- Bongo ( Assume the position? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Is it really safe in here?
Updated ( 11-25-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.

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