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1984 was the first year I punched an R.

( or, I bet you can't punch just one? )

Okay, I admit it; I VOTED FOR JIMMY CARTER, ( ouch ).

Okay, hit me again if it makes you feel better, ( ouch, ouch )

...TWICE, ( whammo, whammo, whammo ), ( ouch ).

But, I did vote for Ronnie Raygun, later to be known in my circles fondly as RED BUTTON RONNIE.

Yes, that was the FIRST 'R' I ever punched ON A BALLOT.

After punching that 'R' for the very first time, in 1984, the year of Orwell; I found it easy to do it again.


I would have been a pollster's nightmare back then, as I wised up and finally voted for a Republican candidate for Senator.

Then, in the next election I voted for a GOP mayor, senator and governor, with all the other holes punched 'D'?

Use your imagination as to how many 'D's I may have punched lately;

but a better question would be,

when was the last time you punched a 'D'?

I PUNCHED ONE 'D' in 1996, or was it 1998?

I apologize to everyone for my votes supporting the Democrat Party over the many decades.

I also apologize for supporting the GOP from 1992 to 1998,

though they just won't stop sending me the junkmail, even after four years of being a non-partisan.

( I will now be voting straight 'R' for RIGHT, in a vain attempt to make up for those misguided decades of 'D' for DAMNATION. )

- Bongo ( Forgive me? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Is it really safe in here?
Updated ( 11-12-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.

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