I am hoping that there will be civil proceedings in the House Judiciary Committee today, as debate on Clinton's possible impeachment begins this morning. I give little chance for this to happen. This is the day, that all the individual representitives get to make their opening statements. I just bet that all the Democrats will be attacking Newt and Starr, instead of addressing any real issues. Will they blindly follow their beloved, amoral leader, Bill Clinton?
The majority and minority counsels will also be making some form of opening statements. The first indication of any cooperation between parties will be these statements.
Abbe Lowell, the minority counsel, is the most bitter partisan that anyone could possibly imagine. He has represented many Democrats in the last few years, who have been involved in various Clinton scandals ( including such possibly infamous characters as Dan Rostenkowski and Jim Wright; couldn't they have picked someone without such incredibly obvious bias? ). He is also a big Democratic party contributor; sorta' smells before we even begin, huh?
David Schippers is the majority counsel, and a Democrat; let's see if he adds some non-partisan air to the proceedings ( hopefully, not too hot ).
Okay, we know that John Conyers and Barney Fife, ah Frank, will be repeating a DNC and Whitehouse prepared line. But what of the other Democrats? Remember, a few of them actually voted for House Resolution 525, to release the OIC Starr Referral.
On the Republican side, I assume that they will attempt to hold their tongues and let the investigation progress.
Partisans like Bob Barr will probably offer up some harsh words for our morally bankrupt President.
On with the SHOW.
- Bongo ( Get your scorecards ready. )
Updated ( 10-5-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.