On ' Eat The Depressed ', Dick Gephardt and John Kasich offered up their opinions on the upcoming election.
Gephardt repeated the DNC mantra perfectly in crooning, " if you vote Republican, you will get impeachment ". He then listed the DNC talking points of health care, patient's bill of rights, education and save social security. He then put his foot in his mouth as he lauded Clinton's proclaimation of ' saving social security first ' ( didn't this guy remember the way Clinton hungrily attacked the surplus for his own pork in the latest budget deal, instead of saving it for social security? ).
Kasich once again showed his independance by speaking his own mind. He did comment that he believes the Republicans will win the close races ( not being specific ) and that he didn't want to spend any of the surplus. He characterized his vision for America with, " Shift power back to the communities, through self government with fewer laws and more freedom ".
On ' Deface The Nation ', Bob Kerrey and Mitch McConnell faced off. Kerrey repeated the DNC mantra, but in his own words, by talking about, " retirement, health care, education and jobs ". McConnell said, " The impeachment issue is a no-show in the election ", and opined that there was, " no chance of Republicans getting to 60 seats in the Senate ".
On ' These Geeks ', Martin Frost and John Linder offered up some partisan rhetoric. Frost was considerably more partisan, in his race to mention Newt Gingrich as many times as possible. He viciously attacked Republicans with several direct lies, and even he had to smile, when Linder corrected his attempted deceit. He talked about setting all the surplus aside to save social security, ignoring the theft of these funds by Clinton in the latest budget ransom agreement. Linder said, " The President is the leader of the Democrat party and we should mention him as the tax and spend Democrat he is ", and " If we wanted to run on impeachment, we would be holding hearings for the last two weeks " ( he does have a good point there ). Sam Donaldson opined, " There is a lot of apathy out there ". Cokie Roberts pointed out, " The Democrats have brought out an army of black Democrats to energize their voters ".
On C-Span, Steven ' Bill Clinton is the greatest moral leader in America ' Grossman offered up the typical Democrat pollaganda and viciously attacked Ken Starr as being out of control. In his predictable Democrat tax and spend attitude, he declared his support for continued increased new taxes on cigarettes. He also continued the DNC lie of saving social security before spending the surplus ( do these Democrats really think the American public is blind, or just stupid? ). All this, before C-Span begins it's coverage of Clinton surrounded by helpful black Maryland Democrat church goers, about to give the President a Sunday DNC lovefest!
On CNN ( The Democratic News Network to some ), Roy Romer and Jim Nicholson were guests. Romer said, " all the Republicans have left, is to attack Bill Clinton ". Nicholson ignored the standard DNC rhetoric being presented by Romer and cut to issues saying, " the only reason Clinton is brought up in the election, is toward issues of trust and integrity ". Jesse Jackson described the DNC coalition as being made up of blacks, labor unions, and women; he also continues to champion the deception of the DNC wanting to save the budget surplus for social security ( I guess he didn't notice Clinton raiding the budget surplus two weeks ago, for his pet spending projects, either? ).
- Bongo ( opine this... )
Updated ( 11-1-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.