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Calling All Perverts!

Your President needs you.

Come one, come all, you: adulterers, bisexuals, homosexuals, lesbians, masochists, pedophiles, philanderers, prostitutes, sadists and sodomizers.

Your President needs a few good people, with low ( or no ) sense of traditional American morality.

He has helped some of your traditionally abnormal conduct gain accepted statis in America, and he needs your assistance in his time of trauma. You must speak up, in defense of his adultery, lying and abuse of power; lest we lose a major supporter of the lowering of morality, back to the wonderfully decadent times of the Roman Empire.

All you Caligulas out there must speak up for such glorious practices as multiple sexual partners and open marriages!

We must not let the President be felled by having unprotected sex with an unfamiliar partner, and abusing his power of the Presidency, to cover it up from the court system and the public, for over 7 months.

For all the prostitutes ( oral sex is now officially not sex ), he helped decriminalize a part of your oldest profession; and he is in dire need of your support, at this time.

For the sake of indecency, you must raise your voices high, in support of him.

Call Barney and let him know how you feel!

- Bongo ( The Pee Wee Herman Factor? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...

Updated ( 9-14-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.