The Democratic Party of today bears little resemblance to the party I joined over two decades ago. Hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen, this party is spinning and reversing it's traditional course!
The Democrats of the 70s stood for the rights of individuals to control their own destiny. The Democrats of the 90s stand for the rights of the government to control the individual ( school uniforms, Executive branch agencies and departments for every facet of life )?
The Democrats of the 70s stood for the rights of women not to be discriminated against. The Democrats of the 90s stand for one free grope, lewd gesture or comment before prosecution ( King of the Democrats, Bill Clinton allegedly grabbed Kathleen Willey, exposed his genitals to Paula Jones and said " kiss it " to Paula Jones - and probably Monica Lewinsky as well )?
The Democrats of the 70s stood for personal privacy. The Democrats of the 90s stand for releasing salacious personal information indiscriminately to the world wide media, as long as the subject is not a fellow Democrat ( James Carville, Larry Flynt and the Whitehouse releasing derogatory information on perceived political enemies )?
The Democrats of the 70s stood for no prosecution of individuals for victimless crimes. The Democrats of the 90s stand for criminalizing the thoughts in your mind ( recent hate crimes legislation where the thoughts of the person, form the illegality of the intent )?
The Democrats of the 70s stood for free speech. The Democrats of the 90s have created the concept of political correctness where you better watch what you say and not offend any special interest group ( don't say anything about or wear fur near an animal rights activist )?
The Democrats of the 70s were for human rights. The Democrats of the 90s are for unrestricted trade with countries that use slave labor for manufacturing purposes ( Red China )?
The Democrats of the 70s were for the rights of human beings. The Democrats of the 90s want you to allow your children to be dragged away by wild coyotes or wolves, before using a firearm to protect them ( don't kill a shark either, let it eat your leg off )?
The Democrats of the 70s were against torture and the violation of the absolute right of the people of the world to life and liberty. The Democrats of the 90s condone and do business with entities harvesting body parts for transplantation from alleged convicted capital criminals ( Red China )?
The Democrats of the 70s were against a President who lied to the people and used his poltical office to engage in a cover-up. The Democrats of the 90s are for keeping a president in office no matter what he does, as long as he is a Democrat ( the ignoring of their oath of impartiality by Democrat Senators in voting to dismiss the obvious case against Bill Clinton )?
The Democrats of the 70s used to represent the working class. The Democrats of the 90s, are now the ultra rich Hollywood fatcats, trial lawyers and union political party machine bosses ( Baldwin, Hanks, Madonna, Speilberg and Streisand )?
The Democrats of the 70s were the party of openness of the system of government. The Democrats of the 90s stand for sleazy backroom deals, enemies lists and cronyism ( firing seven term veteran Whitehouse Travel Office head Billy Dale to appoint a political contributor in his place, and using his FBI file after the fact, in a vain attempt at finding a legal justification for the firing )?
The Democrats of the 70s, though in control of the Whitehouse when the Vietnam war started, was the party of anti-war demonstrations. The Democrats of the 90s are for bombing innocent civilians to illicit positive polling numbers in the name of their holy chief executive ( Iraq, Afganistan, Sudan and who's next... )?
In the 70s, the Republicans were the party of Rose Mary Woods and missing sections of audio tape ( Richard Nixon's heavy footed transcription secretary ). In the 90s, the Democrats are the party of Craig Livingstone and 900+ illegally procured FBI files ( his Clinton appointed Whitehouse Security Office document log ends March 29, 1994 and then begins again on September 21, 1994 )? This is a missing six month chunk of possibly incriminating written record, as opposed to six minutes of missing audio tape. Who hired this ex-DNC dirty trickster and former bar bouncer, anyhow ( like there really is a doubt )?
In the 70s, the Democrats were for liberalizing the curriculum of colleges to benefit minorities. Sadly, this became a reality; along with degrees in play dough and voodoo doll studies, came a drastic drop in educational performance and graduate qualifications!
Okay, one thing that hasn't changed is that many Democrats of the 70s were for free love and the legalization of drugs...too bad we have a break down of the traditional family structure and rampant drug paraphenalia/sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS!
I guess what it all boils down to is; the Democrats stand for hypocrisy and putting political party affiliation above all else ( including decency and morality ). I was fooled in the 70s into thinking their motives were altruistic; I won't get fooled again! Jimmy Carter was the last Democrat president to have any system of morality and/or an ounce of integrity ( and the last Democrat presidential candidate I voted for )!
- Bongo ( Where have all the flowers gone? They are trying to poke themselves up through the thick layer of DNC manure! )
Updated ( 1-29-99 )
(c)1999 Bongo.