Pollaganda continues, as the Clinton News Network continues the post-impeachment spin cycle (aimed at historians). In an article from 2-17-99, "Poll: Clinton scandal has not taught young Americans it's OK to lie", Keating Holland draws some interesting, if fallacious, conclusions from a poll of adults and 11-17 year-olds. Read the article to find out the rest; I'm only going to show the most glaring example.
My doubt of the accuracy of polling has been well-documented, but, just for the sake of argument, let's assume that this poll *is* representative of the views of American teenagers. Since the author was good enough to include the questions and answers in the survey, we can do a little data processing of our own.
First, bear in mind the title of Holland's piece. Then look at the question and answer from 11-17 year olds that his conclusion was drawn from:
"Has Bill Clinton's behavior in the Monica Lewinsky and impeachment matters made you feel that ...
You can get away with lying 40%
VIPs can break the law 42%
Breaking the law is OK 7%
Sampling error: +/- 6 percentage points"
Right...40% think they can get away with lying because of Tailgate, but they haven't been taught to lie. Sort of like Clinton coaching Betty Currie. A little too much like it. Perhaps Mr. Holland thought that, since the majority of 11-17 year-olds don't feel that way, it's not an issue anymore. Maybe he didn't think at all, or maybe it was just another lame attempt at spin at the behest of Ted 'Colorizing Reality' Turner or 'Hanoi' Jane. 40% is still a *very* significant figure.
Important safety tip for future pollagandists: it's usually a good idea for the conclusions to match the data, so you'll need to manipulate the data, not the conclusions.
-The Watcher (Wanted: White House historian. Must write in pencil and have lots of erasers.)
Updated ( 2-21-99 )
(c)1999 The Watcher.