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No change for a dollar?

Bill Bradley announces his candidacy for President of the United States.

Today, Wednesday September 8, 1999 at Crystal City High School in where else but Crystal City, Missouri; Bill Bradley officially announced his candidacy for the Democratic Party nomination for the office of President of the United States in the year 2000 national election.

The first thing that alerted me to the fact that Bradley is just a far left version of Al Gore was when he talked about overhauling the nation's health care system. He said, " Everyone can have quality health care ". I think what he really meant was that ' everyone can have health care ', without the ' quality ' adjective! I believe the model made popular by these liberals is way too socialist in nature. You only have to watch the Canadians lining up to get their government health care, but the line is here in the United States because they would die before their number was called back home. Look at the British, French and Italian models if you want to see how socialized medicine works!

The comment and position that really made me ill was Bradley's complete disdain for the second amendment. He had the audacity to say to the crowd in his home town, " We can put into place, long overdue gun control ". Now wait just a dog gone minute here; hasn't Congress been passing draconian gun control measure after draconian gun control measure since Dianne Feinstein helped orchestrate the " assault weapons ban " a few short years ago? Hasn't Congress passed the Brady Bill, which has stopped thousands of criminals from buying guns illegally, but not put more than a handful behind bars where they belong? One of the dumbest things I ever heard of was that one of the criteria for ' assault weapon ' was a bayonet lug? Okay man, even pre-World War I military bolt action rifles have those, and I have never heard of a drive-by bayonetting!

Oh well, Bradley just wants to take away all guns and give the central government control over the populace like the Communist iron fist or the beginnings of the tyranny of Nazi Germany!

Bradley really put both feet in his mouth at the same time with a litany about politicians either being, " poll and promise " or " listen and do "' finally saying, " I know which one I am ". Funny, he didn't reveal which one he thinks he is? I know which one he is, and it doesn't involve listening.

Sadly, I liked Dollar Bill Bradley when he was a New York Knick, but his left turn only politics never came up when he was shooting the outside shot or hitting the backboards for a rebound!

The only things I even come close to agreeing with Bradley about is campaign finance reform and school vouchers. The problem with Bradley on campaign finance is he is partially in bed with the labor unions ( very socialist, these unions ) and, like any other Democrat of late, would favor them over employers and/or private citizens without a union card ( not to be confused with ' union suit ' ). That leaves school vouchers as the only issue I come close to agreeing with Bradley on, and I bet he would still keep and continue increasing the Federal funding for the Department of Education, throwing money at a problem that money can't fix!

I didn't realize how incredibly far, far, left Bill Bradley really is; I guess it was all that National Basketball Association team play back in the 1960s. My question is this; if he doesn't win the Democratic Party's nomination, will he run as a Socialist Party nominee?

- Bongo ( Bill Bradley is no Karl Marx? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...
Updated ( 9-8-99 )
(c)1999 Bongo.

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