The John McCain travelling snake oil show wings it's way to your town on a private corporate jet aircraft ( the typically colorfully painted horse-drawn wagon giving way to the winged technical wonder ). The self-proclaimed straight talker checks his notes before he begins his scripted presentation to the waiting crowd, guaranteed to bring tears to the eyes of the weak minded, or liberals, in the audience. He glories in his misleading, Clintonesque, words parsing, fellow Republican attacking, speech and sees no directly provable lies lurking with in it's pontificationary pargraphs. He looks in the lavatory mirror, and seeing no reflection there, decides to chance a walk down the debarkation ramp in broad daylight!
McCain strolls confidently down the ramp of a private jet paid for by Washington D.C. lobbyists to the applause of a crowd of lemmings. He gets into a limousine provided by state and local lobbyists with a group of hand picked confidants who have sworn a blood oath not to reveal how much money the McCain Election Committee has skimmed off the top of the local cash contributions. He goes to an auditorium provided by rich special interest groups to address a crowd of his supporters.
His speech on reforming the government says he wants to change politics as we know it, but says nothing about the money he gladly receives himself from the very folks he criticizes. Does he spend part of these campaign contributions repaying the old folks who got bilked out of their life savings in the Keating Five scandal and are living at or below the poverty level now, of which he was a large part? No. Does he even apologize when he smells dog food on their breath? No. I assume he has paid as much of his fine as Senator John Glenn has ( Glenn owes millions of dollars and has not paid a dime since the judgement against him; or was the debt pardoned by Bill Clinton for Senate Committee defense attorney services rendered as well as his magic carpet space shuttle ride last fall? ).
I think McCain is doing the DNC's bidding because of the Keating Five scandal. By doing their bidding, I mean he is attacking the GOP front runner and, possibly unwittingly, conspiring with the unholy forces of the dark side ( the National Socialist wing of the Democrat Party ) in abortionating the Republican state primaries through an influx of Democrats and Independents who vote for him now but have no intention of voting Republican in November no matter who the candidate is, including their phoney champion dark knight ex-POW.
By the way, why does being a POW make one a war hero? Check with Colonel David H. Hackworth ; I believe he still contends that McCain violated the officer's code of ethics when he reportedly signed a North Vietnamese confession of war crimes ( and didn't get a date with Hanoi Jane Fonda ). I always thought that the signed confession was the reason why McCain didn't except early release from captivity, because of how it would have appeared, confession ( cooperation ) equals early release!
Have you ever wondered why the National Socialist left wing media supports McCain in part right now over George W. Bush?
1) It cannot be because they want a GOP presidential win in November in the general election. Yeah right.
2) It cannot be because McCain is in bed with labor unions, illustrated by the way the McCain-Feingold legislation, that was billed as campaign finance reform, limits corporate contributions to candidates but not ones by unions. Oh no.
*George W. Bush has taken in millions in HARD MONEY, and I believe he still vows to run his campaign without the smell of SOFT MONEY tainting it!
John McCain frequently enjoys likening himself to Luke Skywalker attacking the Death Star from the movie Star Wars. I think McCain looks much more like Darth Vader ( apologies to David Kendall for stealing his old personification of evil for new use ) when he was finally unmasked in a later installment from the original Star Wars Trilogy!
McCain's loss in the Washington state primary, along with losses in North Dakota and Virginia, to George Bush yesterday spells the demise of McCain's anti-GOP run for the Republican nomination for the office of the presidency in November. This defeat was quite evident in the way he only wants to attack, attack and attack some more, instead of dealing with the issues without the misleading rhetoric, so identified with the current corrupt Clinton/Gore administration. He had a telephone interview with Michael Reagan on KIEV Radio 870 AM last night ( February 29th ), which he used to continue his misleading ad hominem slandering of the religious elements of the GOP and George Bush's fictious bigotry against another specific one. Reagan began asking legitimate issue oriented questions that McCain refused to address. McCain changed the subject back to the tantrum-like vicious verbal assault of the religious right until Reagan could handle it no longer and said good bye. I assume that even McCain himself realized afterwards what an idiot he sounded like, and he feels ashamed and embarrassed at his reprehensible conduct. This may be a stretch after hearing those misleading telephone attack pieces which his campaign continues to run, after McCain first denied and they recanted his denial about. Hopefully, McCain will stop violating Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment and quit the Clinton/DNC/Whitehouse spin meister-like attack dog strategy; then he could try to salvage his own office of Senator. Even a lemming in sheep's clothing McCain supporter, ex-presidential candidate ( subduing heavy laughter ) Gary Bauer, has asked John McCain to apologize for his misleading characterizations!
Just serve it up on a platter to Al Gore...
- Bongo ( Will the real Manchurian Candidate please stand up? )
Updated ( 3-1-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.