The far lefties scream, " It's my body and I can do anything I want with ( or to ) it ". Does this include what may approach some form of murder?
The far rightsters decry, " Abortion is murder, and we want to control what you can do with ( or to ) your own body ". Does this include forcing a woman to carry an unwanted fetus to a full term baby?
I think the middle ground position is the correct one on this subject. I believe that an abortion should not be allowed once the "baby" has reached the point of developement where it would stand a reasonable chance of living a normal life. This means; not allowing the so-called "partial birth " type abortions or forcing a woman to carry a 1 month old fetus full term.
A prodedure wherein the baby's head is pulled out so the abortionist can kill it, before removing the corpse, is murder in my book. On the other hand, forcing a woman to bear the heartache and expense of a drawn out pregnancy because her birth control method had failed, is a crime against society in general.
A friend of mine has two of the cutest twin girls that were born at 6 months, and they are happy, healthy, normal, and smart! They were born so small, but have turned out to be terrific kids! Tell these two, that 3rd tri-mester abortions don't kill " real " human beings!!!
There really is no flip-side to this, but if the fetus is horribly deformed or the mother's life is in danger; then all bets are off.
- Bongo ( how about converting some abortion clinics into orphanages? )
Updated ( 7-22-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.