Look out folks, here comes the next generation of the Clinton ( you can't call it the Bill Clinton plan yet, because Hillary did the last lame attempt ) Health Care Plan. I wonder if he will take the credit or the heat this time for the outcome, and not hide behind a woman's skirt? I am really hoping it's not just a re-hash of the last socialist model that failed to gain any support; except the extreme far left, ofcourse.
I am quite sure that the health care sector gets a few thousand dollars injected into it's system through my participation. It would be great if it cost less money, but what would the ultimate cost to the individual be in services? If the government could figure out a way to reduce this cost to me, but not: raise taxes ( this way they just get the money instead of Blue Cross, Kaiser, etc. ); create a new federal bureaucracy ( these always wind up bloated and costing more than the original private sector system ); or take the " socialized " model that has demonstrably failed all over the world.
Socialized medicine is one in which the goverment becomes your health care provider. There are a few obvious problems with this system.
First, it does create a new government bureaucracy, and we just can't predict what graft and corruption will develope over the years. The thought of having to grease some health care bureaucrat's palm like a Tijuauna harbormaster, just sends chills up my spine. What if the government initiates some affirmative action type decree that takes patients by their ethnic percentage? It's just scarey to think about what " they " could do!
Second, will you still have the same quality of service that you have now? Better yet, will the quality get worse or just stall, instead of changing with the times? Within " service " I include; keeping physicians you like, getting up to date diagnostics, and getting them when you need them. The legislators will tell you that " keeping your own doctor " will be worked right into the bill, but I believe you need a crystal ball to know for sure what they may do in the future. As for diagnostic equipment and treatment, look at our private sector system over any of the social based systems ( Cuba supposedly has some great specialised services ). As for " getting what you need, when you need it ", take a look to the north at Canada. Every day, folks are trying to come to the US for treament. Sometimes, you just don't have the time to wait in line.
How could we possibly lower the cost of healthcare? I just don't have those answers. I do know what won't work; and hasn't worked in other countries. Reducing the cost of treatment and tests; but how. We could reduce the cost by not trying to heal all the world's sick by ourselves...
- Bongo ( Dr. Bongo to you! )
Updated ( 7-12-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.