Al Gore is the kind of environmentalist whacko guy who would not let you clean up the dog poop in your back yard, because you might endanger the habitat of the maggots.
Speaking of maggots, the Liar-in-chief, the First Philander if you will, has violated the unwritten law of refraining from attacking the opposing political party while it is having it's national convention. It's okay though; because nobody believes anything the self-confessed serial liar says anymore, anyhow ( Though I may question whether a confession from a serial liar is any confession at all? ).
Former Senator from Wyoming, Alan Simpson ( R ), put it this way, " We only lie about once a year, but he ( Bill Clinton ) lies about seventeen times a day "!
JFK will be remembered for his " ask not " speech and Ronald Reagan for " Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall ". I just can't decide if the morally bankrupt Bill Clinton will be remembered for the finger wagging " Miss Lewinsky " lie or the " what the meaning of the word is, is " lie/rationalization?
A democRAT liar by any other name would fail the old F. Lee Bailey lie detector test just as obviously and stink up the White House just as strongly!
- Bongo ( Pile it higher and deeper? )
Updated ( 8-2-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.