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A ( left ) Wing And A Prayer.

The Incredible Left Wing Media Bias in America.

Everyone knows that 89% of media associated folks voted for Democrats in the last Federal election; this is an established fact. Obviously, a certain percentage of these are very partisan party hacks, who spew out whatever the current DNC or the Whitehouse line of spin ( usually blatant lies ) is at the moment. Some are only biased, putting blinders on to the facts, and adopting the more sane " wait for all the facts to come in " position. A very miniscule amount are fair and only voted for a Democrat because they thought he or she was the best qualified person for the position. An infinitessimal amount may have been Republicans who voted for a Democrat. I believe the first two categories I have mentioned, are the largest percentage of journalistic types; they bring their sorry, left wing liberal conspiratory views along with them in their stories!


You see these men and women every day, distorting the news ( the facts ) and turning their reporting into social democrat editorial. I thought they were supposed to report the facts, not turn their editorial crap into the facts ( actually only their commentary about the facts, usually leaving out whatever doesn't support, what they wanted to be the " truth " ). Somehow, their stories about a person being investigated, turn into negative stories about the investigator or witnesses who had the guts to speak up. A story about an occurence; they change into a story about what they wish happened, and all the reasons why you can't completely negate their twisted explaination. If their story is about a theory that can't be proven by direct evidence, watch out; they 'll throw up some oddball theory and forget any facts. When the story concerns political matters; forget the facts, forget the twisted explainations, even forget the oddball theory; they will just lie through their teeth. If they are given a party line to tow, they will accurately repeat it over and over again, ad nausiaum. Funny, shouldn't they just report the facts, and at the end of a story maybe insert some editorial opinion? If they can't find a story to their liking, they will usually just make one up. Their primary tactic is " lie, deny, and stick to it ".

Feinting Blindness.

This group is very similar to the above, but they refuse to make things up out of thin air. They use phrases like " you may not like what so-and-so just said or did, but you couldn't convict them in court for it, even if it was illegal ". They are usually quite comfortable with assuming any allegation against a prosecutor or witness is true; but don't believe anything said about their boy. A news briefing by a Republican ( or a conservative in general ) becomes a leak; they just love putting these negative connotation labels on things?

After being confronted with the true facts and their obfiscation exposed, the closest thing they come to admitting their lies or error, is to say they saw it in some media publication ( electronic or otherwise ) and thought it was true. You know " it " was written by one of their liberal buddies in the first place! This is the way they turn allegation or conjecture into their " facts ". After a few of them have all reported the erroneous crap, they then can say, " it must be true, because it is in all these reliable places " . But, they put it there themselves; sheesh.

This all is quite obvious when you look at the way anyone, who criticizes the current administration or is involved in an investigation of same, is villified and the object of the investigation is ignored or undyingly defended.

The Rest

These guys are the ones who hold liberal views, but are willing to debate the issues on their merits. It is this group, and their conservative counter parts, that report the actual news, as news. I hope this group of clearly unbiased reporters doesn't become a vanishing breed. This would make watching the news; like watching the Geraldo or Springer shows ( like it isn't already )!

If anyone reading this has any doubts about the above; just look back at the zealous way the media has pursued all the Republican presidents, and it's obvious defense of the current Democrat president!

- Bongo ( turn over a new leaf, guys; try reporting some real facts )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...

Updated ( 7-23-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.