I began reading the OIC Clinton Impeachment referral the day it was released. The " version " I got, was from the House of Representitives actual website. It is still available here ( though it may be removed at a future date ) : OIC Clinton Impeachment Referral ( The actual House of Representitives website download. ) . I find it more difficult to read a large document by scolling down the monitor, than to flip actual printed paper pages.
A friend bought me one of the two available versions in paper back, that she found at the local bookstore. The version she picked up was " The Starr Report - Pocket Books ( ISBN: 0-671-03479-0 ) ".
Besides having a rather slanted introduction by Phil Kuntz ( I guess it could have been worse ), it's contents differed markedly from the actual House of Representitives release! Which version is correct? I tend to believe the zipfile available here, is the real version.
I had heard Chris Matthews reference footnote #209 as being shocking, but in the House download version, it was not. In my print version it is! I don't want to mention the content specificly, it was a reference to a form of sex not mentioned by the talking heads. The bottom line is that " this " is mentioned at footnote #210 and #237 in the internet download; but at #209 and #236 in the print version?
This error in numbering of the footnotes could easily cause confusion! Which one is correct?
There also seem to be some subtle changes in wording?
- Bongo ( Either Pocket Books or The House, should publish a correction. )
Updated ( 9-25-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.