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Democrat Hyenas Bloat And Gloat?

Demohyenas and other hyenoids begin to feed off Republican carrion.

Oh man, the ravenous Clinton/DNC/Whitehouse scavengers are coming out of the woodwork to consume the RNC bodies that are beginning to pile up, as the Senate Impeachment Court proceedings wind down. The Democrats have illustrated their complete lack of any integrity or morals in continuing the lies, disguised as a defense, coming from the Whitehouse and it's obedience trained canines!

Sadly but understandably, DemocRAT Senator Tom Harkin is shooting his mouth off to the media, while the Senate is still in it's impeachment trial closed doors final deliberations. He seems to think if he repeats the lies the Whitehouse told to enough times, then someone, without a rudimentary understanding of the facts in the case against their precious first philandering defendant-in-chief, may believe them? Sorry Tom, only those shut-ins who watch Groomaldo multiple times per day and live off welfare ( and other Democrat sponsored entitlement hand-outs ) will swallow the misleading bile you expell. He called the House of Representitives vote of impeachment articles a " blatant vindictive political action ". He called the OIC investigation a " set-up ", and said " Clinton didn't know " the Paula Jones lawyers would ask questions about Monica Lewinsky at his deposition. Okay, Tom, remember that Monica's name appeared on the witness list more than a month before the deposition in the Paula Jones case. It's one thing to offer up a gloating pile of excrement, and another to explain how and why you are voting ( voted ) the way you are ( did )!

Republican Senator Arlen Specter became the first hyenoid to belly up for the feast at the " Republican " Senate Impeachment Trial corpse. Quite canabalistic in nature, Specter approached the microphone and said he would be voting " not proven "? Citing some obscure Scottish law, Specter believes he can vote the equivalent of " present " ( maybe he should just acknowledge that it is a present for Clinton! ). He said, " I will not be voting not guilty " and " The charges in the articles were not proven ". I could understand the arguement he had on the perjury charge; being that the questioners of the President didn't ask the correct follow-up questions to produce a provable prejury case record ( it's hard to really put yourself in the place of a Senator with such a solemn task ahead of them ). His arguement on why Clinton asking Betty Currie that list of contrived questions wasn't witness tampering, was designed to illustrate the need for calling her as a witness ( he said one thing one day and something else the next? ). He believed the Whitehouse lawyers punched enough holes to find reasonable doubt because there was never a full hearing of the facts, " You don't have a trial without witnesses ". He thought it was the Senate's own fault, but refused to point a finger at anyone in particular. I mean, he said of the House Managers " ( we ) tied one hand behind their back ", but then doesn't place blame or responsibility?

See, Senators of both flavors can continue the feeding frenzy on the Republican controlled Congress! Who are they going to sacrifice next, Kenneth Starr? You better believe you are going to hear that one until you just can't stand it anymore, from DNC hacks like Lanny Davis and Keith Watters. These guys are just itching to get their claws into the Republican majority ( soon to be self-induced minority ) houses of Congress!

As the Senate Republicans are forced to eat large amounts of crow with Slick Willie Whitehouse sauce, I hope they think back to the votes they cast to expediate the procedure. If conducting a sham trial in the Senate with no live witnesses leads to less than a majority vote on a finding of fact, the self-inflicted wounds to the RNC will be serious if not mortal. We may be looking at the birth of the Congress as a Democrat Duma!

- Bongo ( The Senate has disgraced itself. )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...

Updated ( 2-10-99 )

(c)1999 Bongo.