How many movies of the ' weak ' will television viewers have to endure on Monica, Carville, and Tripp? Get ready for some heavy gloating and dumping by the Democrats on everyone else. From Saturday Night Live to Jay Leno, the far left wing inhabited media will swell with images of it's beloved dictator triumphing over an illegal investigation. The witnesses who had the courage to come forward with the truth and were villified by this Whitehouse and it's minions, will be unmercifully raked over the coals for eternity! Hopefully, the public will realize and shun programs of this nature.
Democrats may try to run to speak on how bad Clinton's actions were, but remember to ask them why they voted to keep the wrong-doer in place? Don't let the partisan Democrats get away with this travesty of justice. They have allied themselves with the forces that stand for adultery, immorality, lying ( in court, in the open, etc. ), perjury ( in a civil or Grand Jury setting ), obstruction of justice and sexual harassment.
Republicans have shown the ability to compromise their integrity for political survival ( too bad they didn't realize that it actually was surrender ). Democrats compromised decency, morality, their oaths of office and their integrity for the political survival of their pathetic leader. Shame on both of them!
Anybody bother to look at Wall Street? As I am writing this opinion article, all the markets are down bigtime ( DOW = - 100, NASDQ = -75, S&P = -25, but these were not the closing numbers ).
- Bongo ( The casuality today was our way of life and the rule of law. )
Updated ( 2-12-99 )