Oh man, in true George Step-on-all-of-us Senate Whitewater hearing testimony style, White House Counsel ( synonymous with paid legal liar ) Beth Nolan fibbed her way through a nose lengthening session before Dan Burton's House Government Reform Committee this last week of March, 2000. It was not the true gorilla theater of past House committee meetings, but it was a very obvious perjury session ( or maybe just more of that Clinton " most ethical administration in history " bile? )!
Like she had been practicing her testimony in front of a mirror, Nolan parsed words and tried to reduce the White House's despicible illegal action of the witholding of thousands of previously subpoenaed emails to the Clinton Administration's favorite excuse, bureaucratic mistake. This just doesn't cut the mustard folks!
Just the week before, private sector employees of such notorious Clinton/Gore/DNC/Whitehouse supporting firms as Hughes testified that they were threatened and felt their jobs were in danger if they even mentioned the witholding of these so-called " lost " e-mails. The stench of corruption coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is going to take decades to clear ( or maybe just a Republican president to air the place out a bit? )!
Republican Representitives Dan Burton and Christopher Shays gave Nolan ample opportunity to tell the truth, but she, " lied, denied and stuck to it ", in typical, " are you going to believe me of your own lying eyes ", Clinton cronie Pinocchio action. She smirked her way through a few hours of lying by sluffing off the lost e-mails to computer glitches and one White House office or another not communicating the subpoena request correctly to each other. She even tried to suggest certain White House Executive Office Building offices were not in fact parts of the White House and were not covered by the original subpoenas? This is truely the most disgusting administration in history!
The biggest lie she told last week ( well, maybe not the biggest? ) was that they ( who? ) were working on reconstructing the subpoenaed e-mails from tape back-up media and it would take six months and cost as many millions of dollars to accomplish it? Holy sheep dip, Batman, that is some foul smelling goo she is trying to peddle off...
Now, I wasn't born yesterday ( or even the day before ), but I know you either have the data or not. It doesn't take six months, or even six hours, to reconstruct a computerized tape back-up record. What may take a few months is finding an integrity and truth challenged group loyal enough to the Liar-in-chief to go through all of them and make sure none of the important incriminating ones are reproduced for the committee!
Quite a few numbers on the total of witheld subpoenaed White House e-mails were batted around, from 441 to 944. Nolan kept trying to trivialize the matter, suggesting that these numbers were for totals, including e-mails already released or from unimportant sources. Huh?
This whole thing reminds me of the 900 illegally obtained F.B.I. files which the White House got, to dig up dirt on Clinton's perceived enemies. The left wing, Clinton obedience trials trained dog, DNC-proganda, media corps has managed to sweep that obvious series of crimes under the rug with non-coverage; so the complete lack of widespread reporting on this issue is not unexpected!
- Bongo ( Pass the polygraph? )
Updated ( 4-1-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.