In a disgraceful combination of ruthless arrogance and extreme condescending attitude Vice President Al Gore addressed the nation five minutes before Monday Night Football. Besides the questionable nature of the timing, the VPOTUS also said some rather questionable or misleading things ( LIES? ), though this has become expected from the CLOWN PRINCE OF SERIAL LIARS.
First, Gore didn't keep his promise to honor the victor of the Gore lawyer delayed Florida ballot recount(s). WE ALL KNEW HE WAS LYING THE FIRST TIME HE SAID IT LAST WEEK! Second, Gore promised again ( Oh please, stop these silly lies? ) to honor some results at some future time? Make no bones about it, Gore will never honor any result that indicates anyone but him has won the election! Gore delivered the rest of his lies designed to create a smokescreen to cover up his election theft still going on in Florida, in his characteristic old elementary school teacher droning monotone. This man is not just morally bankrupt but completely lacking any morals at all!
Governor George W. Bush of Texas has won the election and Al Gore is holding the economy and the people of the United States hostage for his own sick schemes. This Gore is truely a deeply mentally ill individual and he should be institutionalized like Tipper Gore was ( though I do not know the particulars of her treatment )!
The stock market went up on Monday, after the news of Florida finally certifying it's electoral votes for Bush, but after the VPOTUS cried both wolf and foul ( He must have smelled his armpits or his brown and green teeth bad breath? ), the market has reacted with another bad day, at least for the NASDAQ as the DOW seems to be hovering near zero!
Now the DIRTYcRATS send their bagmen down to Florida to stir up a race war! The extreme black bigot and agent of the forces of the Prince of Darknes Jesse Jackson has showed up outside the Florida Supreme ( Kangaroo? ) Court Building with his minor demons Charles Rangel and John Conyers. All three of these DNC uber alles types showed us during the Clinton impeachment that they would SAY OR DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING for their precious Democrat Party, including telling the most ludicrous lies imaginable that even an elementary school kid could see through them ( I guess they are taking orders form the creator of the internet and Vietnam war hero of the Saigon booty bars, Al Gore? )! Now these totally moral lacking DNC cronies are going to try and demonize the GOP, when it is the DIRTYcRATS who refuse to admit defeat in their WAR TO STEAL THE LEGAL ELECTION FROM THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES!
MSNBC has put their DNC kneepads on as they skew their coverage in favor of the loser who is trying everything to steal the election from the rightful winner. These DNC Propaganda lackies masquerading as news media decided to show Florida RAT Tom Rossin of the Florida Legislature doing a DIRTYcRAT LOVEFEST heralding Bill Clinton and Al Gore as the greatest thing since sliced bread instead of covering it from the beginning, including the Republicans who hold the majority like the Fox News Channel did? MSNBC is truely an organ of the DNC!
MSNBC then covers the National Socialist wing of the Democrat Party's own version of Horst Wessel, the extreme black bigot and fabian Socialist, Jesse Jackson as he falsely compares what is going on in Florida with, " Selma Alabama in 1965 ". This race baiting simply must stop and MSNBC will be held accountable for supplying the catalyst!
The only bright spot today has been Judicial Watch's Larry Klayman going to Palm Beach to verify the vote counting ( ballot box stufing for Al Gore? ) which went on over the last two weeks. Hopefully, Klayman will get to the bottom of the election theft and bring the guilty to trial in a court willing to follow the rule of law!
The Democrat Party has shown us through the lies of Al Gore and the mischief of it's local Florida DIRTYcRATS, that it does not have the integrity or leadership to do anything other than drag our once proud nation down in to the sewer of a third world dictatorship, where they gather like the RATS and are FEEDING ON TRUTH, JUSTICE and their political carrion!
- Bongo ( Don't pay the ransom? )
Updated ( 11-28-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.