Governor George W. Bush, the GOP candidate for president was cool, calm and collected as he disected the VPOTUS, Al Gore like a dead ( endangered species tree ) frog out of a plastic bag. While individual viewers may disagree with the conservative Bush on the issues, Bush tells the people the real way he feels or believes, as opposed to Al Gore lying to every special interest group under the Sun, in a contrived attempt to be EVERYTHING TO EVERYBODY ( serial spinmeistering which used to be known as lying ). Ultimately, Gore looked like the habitually lying school child trying to pull off the old, THE DOG ATE MY HOMEWORK routine, in making excuse after excuse and invoking lie after lie in attacking his morally superior opponent.
Gore's first lie came on the first question, and was to be followed by a myriad number more. In repsonse to DNC hack/mediator Jim Lehrer's first question concerning Gore attacking Bush as inexperienced last week, Gore answered ( misled ), " I have not questioned his experience, but his proposals "? Huh? Bush's experience is exactly what he was questioning, but this misleading statement was the most shallow lie he told all evening. In the same segment, Gore did articulate what he believes are the four most important things he will do ( actually just four new, or old and worn out, lies to be broken? ). 1) " Balance the budget every year " ( yeah right, the budget wasn't balanced until after 1994, when the Republicans won control of the purse strings in the Congress ). 2) " Pay down the national debt by 2012 " ( this is a physical impossiblity after you add up all his new liberal tax and spend entitlements which would swell the federal government beyond belief ). 3) " Put Social Security and Medicare in a lock box " ( come on folks, I wasn't born yesterday, as the Democrats have been blocking this legislation in the Congress recently to give themselves a campaign issue to regurgitate ). 4) " Tax cut for the middle class " ( how many times can these liberals promise this and not deliver, but still be taken seriously by the electorate? ). Oh yeah, Gore also mentioned a senior who was a plant in the audience, in reference to Medicare ( one of many such plants which he brought with him in the hopes to gather some partisan political points through grandstanding ).
Gore fumbled and interrupted both his trained moderator and opponent, looking as stupid as anyone I have ever seen in a televised debate. This is the Gore who the media has been painting as a terrific debater? I saw a nervous, sweating man, who is unsure of himself and displays his whispering laugh just before he tells another untruth! I couldn't stop laughing when Gore said, " the Balkans, my uncle was a victim of poison gas there ". This is choice, people, as Gore is such a serial liar, that I find myself wondering if he meant that his uncle was in the Balkans or Europe when he was or was not exposed to the so-called poison gas ( similar in color, smell and taste to the hot air issuing from the mouth of the VPOTUS? ).
George W. Bush answered with gems like, " there is too much polling and focus groups ( in Washington D.C. ) ". He did a good job of holding his tongue, while Gore interrupted over and over again, with no words in the least from the liberal moderator, Lehrer; with Gore poutingand pleading, " Can I have the last word on this "? I believe Bush was too nice, in not saying something about Gore's reprehensible conduct! Gore's appearance began to take on that of Nixon in his over-rationalization CHECKERS SPEECH ( though not anywhere near as entertaining or sincere )!
You could almost see Gore's Pinnochio-like nose visibly grow ( or was it the nervous perspiration running down it? ) when he lied ( said? ), " I think bi-partisanship is a national asset ". Whoa man, take a step back. Like ex-senator Alan Simpson said, " Gore was a consumate partisan while in the Senate ". While Gore was finding his newest national asset in bi-partisanship, he has lost sight of the work the GOP has done to balance the budget along with ( gulp ) Bill Clinton ( considerably more main stream than the far, far, left tree hugging Al Gore ). Gore lauded himself with, " We have the largest surplus in American history "; seemingly forgetting that there never was a deficit until after Einsenhower left and the Democrats took control of both houses of Congress, almost fifty years ago!
Gore lied over and over in misrepresenting the numbers in George Bush's financial plans. Bush had to say, " The man is practising fuzzy math again ", over and over to counter Gore's repeated obvious untruths! Bush quipped that for all his ( Gore's ) number crunching that maybe he, " did he not only create the internet but the calculator as well ". At one point, Gore broke into a predigested campaign speech during one of his numerous interruptions; how embarassing to be a Democrat or Gore supporter watching it happen. Once again, inexplicably, Gore took credit for " casting the tie-breaking vote " on the largest tax increase in American history, before the 1994 House of Representitves GOP victory proved how wrong they were, though he forgot to describe it as such. He continued his BIG CAMPAIGN PROMISE LIE of saying that the " first bill he and Vice President Lieberman would send...would be the McCain-Fiengold campaign finance reform bill ". This one will only be proven to be a typical DNC broken campaign promise, should the VPOTUS actually win the election in November!
Three more Gore lies, untruths or part truths were: 1) Gore lied about or inferred that he negotiated the surrender of Serbia, 2) He lied about going to Texas shortly after the fires with the head of FEMA ( the truth was that he made a campaign stop there a few months ago ), and 3) He lied about a little girl in Florida who didn't have a seat in an overly crowded classroom ( the truth was that they were moving in science equipment on the first day of class, leaving her with only a stool to sit on that one day ). It is truely sad that a presidential candidate from a major party seems to continuously illustrate how fast and loose he plays with the truth!
Possibly telling the truth for a change, Gore said that he favored, " full federal financing of elections ". Oh man, do you have any idea how much it would cost the United States taxpayer to fund every Congressional election? The answer is both mind boggling and fictious surplus gobbling. Bush was quick to indicate that he does not favor this funding!
Doing his good little Democrat duty, Jim Lehrer, someone who George Step-on-all-of-us called " our man " during the Clinton campaigns, did bait Bush by asking him about the character issue. Bush responded with a subdued, no controlling legal Buddhist temple authority routine, which the knee-jerk far liberal left-wing media branded an attack. Isn't that just like a Democrat, or Fabian Socialist, to create the attack you wanted your opponent to launch because he wasn't lauching it on his own? Any way you look at it, Al Gore was sweating like a pig, figuratively or otherwise!
After George Bush finished by trying to, " reach across the partisan divide "; Al Gore countered with his tired old Democrat Convention FIGHT routine, which challenges the viewer to count how many times a person can say the word FIGHT in two minutes. Gore had to literally fight to end the evening with canned Skinner ( another plant in the audience with dubious credentials )!
The postgame shows were for the most part, LIBERAL LOVEFESTS. MSNBC featured the DonnaBrazile/ChrisMatthews Gore Gestalt Beast, belching liberal bile in a manner in which Matthews was not comfortable with during the Clinton Impeachment and his phoney fiscal conservative drama/opinion-cast! Even Pat Buchanan, covered on Fox, has lost his mind, saying, " I regret Mister Gore won the debate ", though he did add, " this administration has been utterly shameless "!
Sadly, the sheep farm known loosely as the United States of America may be going down the way of a hen house in control of the proverbial fox. The liberal lemmings masquerading as United States citizens are more than likely going to elect the environmentalist whacko, never met a big money donor he didn't like, LIAR OF THE UPCOMING NEW MILLENNIUM, the VPOTUS, Clown Prince Albert Gore(ing)!!!
- Bongo ( I'll give you the last word? )
Updated ( 10-4-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.