Barbara Boxer and Gray Davis are in tight races and they both need more money for new negative campaign ads. Enter The Campaigner and Chief, to help them out by hitting up his decadent and hedonistic Hollywood buddies for a quick infusion of millions of dollars. Reportedly, he garnered several million dollars for DNC campaign coffers at his two Southern California fund raising events. It is not hard to believe, from the Hollywood crowd, known for over indulgence in drugs and a hedonistic approach to sex. I guess Bill felt right at home; I assume he will be moving there after he leaves office ( hopefully sooner, rather than later ).
Barbara Boxer was elected in 1992 ( the so called ' year of the woman ' ). She has remained silent in both the Paula Jones lawsuit and the Monica Lewinsky affair, but she was quite vocal in the Clarence Thomas fiasco! Boxer's campaign ads are vicious and include many lies designed to smear her challenger, Matt Fong!
Gray Davis was against Propositions 187, 209 and 227 ( all passed by California voters, and deal with stopping entitlements to illegal aliens and preferential treatment to minorities ). He is out of touch with reality, and a real ' tax and spend ultra left wing liberal '. His attack ads against Dan Lungren are filled with direct lies. Davis is against term limits and has received tons of money from the trial lawyers.
Democrats are also championing Propositions 5 and 10. I assume that some of the money that Clinton raised in the rich areas of Beverly Hills and Bel Air, will go toward misleading ads designed to dupe the California public into voting for these two atrocities. Proposition 5 gives every tax and environmental statute break imaginable, to the indian tribes hosting organized gambling ( and probably organized crime ). It also okays a new breed of gambling devices hooked directly into credit card and debit card bank accounts. Proposition 10 adds a 50 cent tax to tobacco products, in the guise of helping children, but really creates a bunch of new state commissions for pet projects of the immoral Hollywood crowd ( less than 20 percent of the projected revenue goes to anti-smoking or children related issues ).
The Democrats have really come a long way from being the common people's party, to the party of the incredibly rich entertainment industry moguls, trial lawyers and foreign investors!
Try entering 90210 ( Beverly Hills ) and 90077 ( Bel Air ), on the FEC contributor by zipcode page, available at: Ground Zero Links to see which super rich of the entertainment industry are supporting the party of indecency, orgainized crime and political payback corruption!
- Bongo ( Clinton knocks the tobacco companies, as he calmly puffs on his cigar, in the limo? )
Updated ( 10-26-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.