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Five Figure Discount?

And then there were five...plus twins, at New Hampshire on January 26th.

Orrin Hatch bowed out of the Republican race, thus leaving us with with five figures to debate the issues, as the DNC only offers The Al Gore Marching And Chowder Society ( TAGMACS ) with master of ceremonies, Bill Bradley. With the closing of the hatch, by Orrin, the public loses a voice willing to put forth the truth about our current, corrupt, Clinton cronie catastrophe at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

The Republicans once again had a spirited debate and the Democrats preferred to spin up Al Gore as God's gift to us all?

In a rare moment of total agreement, Alan Keyes thought, " categorizing people by group or race is bad ", and John McCain wanted to " preserve our rich heritage " and " eliminate quotas ". Steve Forbes thought, " quotas are wrong ", saying we are " individuals not groups ". Gary Bauer spoke of " the American race ", an ideal not a " physical characteristic "; though he did take a few seconds to correctly point out that, " illegal immigrants are pouring into this country "!

The Republicans questioning each other always brings out some interesting points. Forbes questioned George Bush on the educational system in Texas as being one where the SAT ( Scholastic Aptitude Test ) scores are falling, not rising ( " from forty to forty-six " out of fifty states ). Bush danced around the question ( and the issue ), indirectly ( if not directly ) questioning Forbes's facts. Forbes is an attack dog, and I myself have questioned some of the facts and ascertions he has used in the past. Forbes's negativity has seemed counter productive to the Republican cause in the past; at least to me.

McCain announced that yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled that " campaign contributions are not free speech but property ". This opens the door to widespread campaign finance reform! Forbes had trouble answering a question on whether or not he would revoke MFN ( Most Favored Nation ) status for the totalitarian People's Republic of China, only whimpering that he would " criticize them in every interaction venue possible "?

When the CNN sponsored DNC hacks brought up their self proclaimed altruistic FCC ( federal communications commission ) offering of free federal internet wiring for all, George W. Bush courageously criticized the catch-all project with, " government programs are often obsolete before they are implimented ".

Alan Keyes won the debate again, hands down, whether or not you agree with all his stances on the issues ( and I don't ). Keyes pressed Forbes about withdrawing the United States from the WTO ( World Trade Organization ). Forbes hemmed and hawwed, first saying that " the WTO is a woolly mammoth ", but caving in to the new world order, one world government, crowd, he finally admitted, " I am not going to withdraw us from that body ", claiming that he would " use it to reduce barriers " to free trade. How come " free trade " always seems to actually mean moving jobs overseas?

In closing, Forbes still doesn't seem to have a clue, while McCain " would always tell the truth and reform the government ". Keyes wanted to take the blinders off the public and " challenge them to meet the moral crisis that is happening ". Bush thanked the folks of New Hampshire and asked them " for their vote ", and finally, Bauer claimed to " have experience ", mentioning Ronald " Reagan " more times than the White House Secret Service's log between 1980 and 1988!

The DNC got to have a live info-mercial masquerading as a phoney debate, with a comatose and victimized Bill Bradley standing there with glazed over eyes as Al Gore lied blatantly through his teeth, instead of answering even the softball questions thrown to him by the CNN moderators. Gore kept mentioning Ted Kennedy as mister health care; funny, I always thought of the red nosed Teddy as a failed driving instructor or an amphibious automobile test driver? Bradley pointed out that Gore has premeditatedly issued " misleading statements ", while the glaring VPOTUS ( Vice President Of The United States ) declared that he had, " never said anything untrue " ( it must be the old Clinton/DNC/Whitehouse spinmeister definition of word parsing as " truth " again )? In reality, Bradley defends his positions, while Gore simply changes his at will. As on the issue of abortion, " I have always supported a woman's right to choose ", Gore said last night, though he has expressed opinions contrary to this on such particulars as federal funding for abortion. Sadly, Gore just doesn't lie with the proficiency of his mentor, Bill Clinton, so his performance sounded more like a high school kid blustering after class about some crappy test score or poor performance on the local sports team, than a professional Clinton/DNC/Whitehouse spinmeister ( liar ) who can amazingly make you believe him and not ' your own lying eyes '! My question to Gore would be, " Why do you keep lying about Bradley introducing Willie Horton into this campaign "?

Hopefully, the people of America will see through this misleading, promise everything to everybody and flat lie about your past performances, strategy by the democRAT handlers of Al Gore and vote for what they may perceive as the lesser of two evils, the Republican candidate for the presidency of the United States. Your choice come November, may be between a conservative and a serial liar. For our own country's sake, I hope we choose the conservative, because to choose the serial liar will most assuredly condemn our children to speaking Chinese in the future ( or possibly an unwanted dosage of radiation? )!

- Bongo ( When will Gary Bauer give us a 20% discount? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Is it really safe in here?
Updated ( 1-27-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.

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