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Disarmament Liberals Attack Firearms Industry.

With legislation for outright bans not forthcoming, the extreme liberal gun-haters are now targetting the manufactureres themselves?

Far left-wing radical gun-banning liberals have declared their intention to eliminate all firearms from our society. Organs for these voices include organizations with self confessed agendas to remove all firearms in general, including: The Center to Prevent Handgun Violence and Handgun Control Inc. ( which actually has the elimination of all guns right in it's charter, I read it myself ). How many times have we heard folks from these two ultra-liberal hate organizations claim they only want to regulate guns? They are lying, to conceal their real goal of the disarmament of America. Having met stiff opposition in the complete and utter criminalization of an inanimate object, these anti-gun organizations have now resorted to bringing in sue-happy lawyers to attack the manufacturers themselves in court, through product liability laws? Can you say frivilous lawsuit? I hope there is one judge with a bit of common sense left in our country!

In the name of safety, the gun-haters have tried to mandate trigger locks on all guns? All the gunowners I know, would not think of leaving a firearm within reach of anyone except themselves ( including the possibility of accidental discovery ). If a firearm is to be kept in an unlocked or easily reachable container, everyone I know has taken measures to render it safe. Trigger locks have been available for decades, and are just not a new idea ( or the only measure to render a gun non-firing ). Mandating the use of trigger locks on all firearms have some very obvious drawbacks:

1) What is a the definition of a covered firearm that must be equipped with a lock? A flintlock that adorns someone's wall? Hey, don't laugh; you must be willing to use you imagination to stretch the law the way someone out to deprive you of your rights and property may try to!

2) Trigger lock on the gun in the trunk of your automobile as it is being transported to a firing range or hunting area? Will it be legal to stop for fuel or a bite to eat, with that firearm in the trunk of your car?

3) Trigger lock on the rifle or shotgun you are carrying while hunting, only to be removed at the point of discharge? Imagine this one, the Game Wardens armed with a new statute to write ridiculous citations for. Can you smell quota?

4) Trigger locks on each and every gun at the local museum, whether or not they have been demilled? Possibly not so far fetched. Translate this to the private owner or museum curator, and the negative impact on the visaul nature of historical exhibits that contain firearms!

5) Trigger locks on all the firearms contained in locked gunsafes? This is one that could become costly to a collector of antiques, combined with #1.

I could go on forever with these endless possibilities to twist the law beyond all rationality. Remember, we must consciously consider this twisting of the meaning of any new gun laws, because the final end result that the gun-hating left wants, is the eventual elimination of all firearms!

Not finding any satisfaction with a gun industry willing to ship trigger locks with guns and to explore the high tech avenues of making new guns harder to accidentally discharge, the forces dedicated to taking away our personal property have turned their attention to the makers as well as the users. In a series of recently reported lawsuits many of America's major firearms manufacturers are being targetted with product liability lawsuits. Man, this is truely turning into the Political Correctness Twilight Zone!

I suppose with the glut of commie lawyers in America, you had to figure that the knee jerk liberal ones would get together to try and make some money off a very heavily federally and state regulated industry. Their latest stretching of reality to it's very limit, is suing the firearms industry for what individuals do with their legally purchased property. Can you say CCCP? Sadly, it is our private sector contributing to the demise of personal liberties. Interestingly, the United States Chamber of Commerce is getting invloved on the defense side, with the industry. This siding should really tell you something, as they are not exactly an extension of the NRA!

If someone uses a gun in a crime to hurt someone, the person is liable and not the inanimate object. Guns do not shoot themselves. Hey, they definately don't load themselves! Barring accident, the inanimate manufactured tool cannot and should not be held to have a property attributed to individuals ( that of choosing to kill ). I do remember Winchester being sued for it's Model 94 lever action discharging accidentally, and there are obvious changes to the safety system on newly made rifles. I just don't remember if they made the changes voluntarily or not. Anyhow, we are not talking about accidents because of defective manufacturing, but the firearm working safely and as designed. The only question left to answer is whether or not the gun or the person is responsible. Many criminals on death row may be interested in the final outcome!

If any of these suits yields award victories for the plantiffs, other industries making products deemed to be dangerous could be next:

1) The knife industry. How do you render these safe from abuse, huh?

2) Beer brewers. I got drunk and cut my finger off or beat my neighbor to death because Budweiser sold this product that made me not know what I was doing?

3) Milk dairies. I had a heart attack because of the fat in the milk!

4) Fastfood outlets. Higher in fat than a glass of milk and it is truely irresponsible for them to sell these greasy foods to a nation of people about to get hardening of the arteries? I am getting good at this, now.

5) Automobile manufacturers. This is best one, and hits the liberal lunatic lawyers right in their Porchetbooks? I ran over the neighbor's cat backing into the driveway, that has to be worth a couple of hundred thousand from Detroit or Tokyo. Heaven forbid a human loses a life in any car wreck, no matter who is really to blame, because their dangerous automotive product was at fault ( not the human at the wheel )!

Don't tell 'em this one: " The bullets kill, not the guns. " I am afraid the ammunition makers may be the next target! If this one pans out for them, think about the mountain of lawsuits against gasoline stations or refineries?

- Bongo ( Bleeding heart liberals make me sick in general, but when they lie about their intentions to make a temporary point, it just makes me want to puke! )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...

Updated ( 2-27-99 )

(c)1999 Bongo.