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Fred's Fears

Clinton in China is not like Reagan in Russia

Anyone out there remember Reagan saying " Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall " ? Bill Clinton did nothing even mildly similar in his recent trip to Red China. Sure he mentioned the massacre of helpless civilians, but in the most shakey and uncertain terms. He did not bother to question the Chinese leader's response that the massacre was necessary for China to get where they are today!

Where is China today? They sell goods made by slave labor to us; and we gladly buy them. They harvest organs from individuals ala' Larry Niven's " organ-leggers ". They sell all forms of weapons of mass destruction to other totalitarian countries through out the world. In my opinion, they side with the forces of evil in our rapidly shrinking world!

Anyone remember the movie, " The Manchurian Candidate " ? Enough said...

- Fred ( some call me the " neanderthal " )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...

Updated ( 7-1-98 )
(c)1998 Fred.