*Wow, on Saturday it really was ' Heavens to Robocop ', starring the original Roland Evans and Bob Novac with their guest, Dick Armey ( R ), House Majority Leader. They discussed the situation in the House, where the Republicans did seen more in tune with the White House, than their House Democrat Representitive counter-parts. Armey commented, " They ( House Democrats ) want to run ( in 2000 ) on a Congress that gets nothing done, so they are unhappy with it ", when Clinton backs or signs legislation put forward by the Republican majority. When asked about negotiating with Bill Clinton, Armey answered, " I don't think he is a very serious person, when he is talking about anyone other than himself ". On Kosovo, Armey pulled his punches on the day before the Fourth of July, saying only, " If the President had not initiated this, there may have been less hardship on the Kosovar Albanians ". Hey man, what about the Serbs, huh? Finally, they discussed the Democrat campaign tactic of trying to associate Governor Bush with the House leadership of Tom DeLay and Armey himself, said, " The Democrats need to develope some ideas, they had ideas at one time, they weren't very good ideas, but they had ideas ". You know, I remember that; but it was a while ago.
*Wimbleton beat the depressed, but ' The Weak included Sam and Cokie ', who were not Stepped on. Not surprizingly, the milk-toast broadcast didn't include any mention of the Red Chinese acquisition of technology from the United States, which came to a head this week in closed door hearings.
Sadly, but predictably, the insignificant and forgetable show began with a Hillary Clinton for New York Dogcatcher love-fest, starring the tarnished Susan Molinari ( R ) and Geraldine Ferraro ( D is for dog, and not best of breed either ). Both were drooling so much pabulum that bibs were required all around! I hesitate repeating any of it, but here goes ( feel free to scroll down the page without reading ). Ferraro preached the DNC line, " When you talk about Hillary Clinton, it is not like she is from another country ". Yes, she is right about this, though Hillary would change our country into a purely socialist state if she could! Molinari opined, " Mrs. Clinton does have some real problems...her health care proposal ". On the Carpetbagger issue, she said, " ...it doesn't have to do with living there, growing up there ". What a pile of sticky goo...
Finally they switched to a serious topic, the fictitious declaration by Bill Clinton of a larger budget surplus than previously estimated, though Clinton never calls it an estimate, and the pledging of this new-found cash for more liberal Democrat entitlement programs, including a phoney Mediscare fix that is actually just a campaign 2000 ploy. Trent Lott ( R ), Senate Majority Leader, said on tape from a day or two ago, about the President trying to add new spending programs before saving Social Security or paying off the mounting National Debt, " Fix the ship before adding new cargo ".
Senator Thomas Daschle ( D ), Senate Minority Leader, loudly declared, " The President's budget, I support it ". Okay, we knew you would heel, sit and stay like a good little DemoDOG ( and lick the President all over like Buddy the other dog ). Daschle quickly showed that the truth still holds no weight with Democrats ( it is called the rationalization that any means are justified in moving toward your holy extreme left-wing liberal Democrat socialist ends ), with a power-Pinnochio lunch lie, " We ( democRATS ) were the first ones to propose the lockbox ( legislating the Social Security Trust Fund off budget and out of the hands of the Congress ) ". Hey man, I remember who raped the fund; and it wasn't the Republicans. I think they should give Daschle a shot of sodium pentathal before he goes on these shows! Sam Donaldson reminded the ' Daschle Dog ' that there are budget caps legislated in, to stop new entitlement programs like the ones the tax and spend liberals are proposing. The ' Dog ' barked, " We don't have to revise the caps ". Donaldson pointed out that, " you use the word ' dedicate ' instead of ' spend ' ", as a rhetorical question alluding to the word parsing games Democrats are now fond of playing, after seeing them work so well for their great living God President Pharoah Bill Clinton in defending his disgusting behavior that was not impeachable to only Democrats and Republicans who had their FBI files appropriated for the Clintons by Craig Livingstone of the White House Tom Daschle only smirked, instead of attempting a bald faced lie of an answer. He then began to chant the Clinton/DNC/Whitehouse talking points fax mantra of, " Make sure every single person gets access to prescription drugs ". Funny, I thought everyone had access already, if they have the money to pay or the time to wait at a public General Hospital? He continued to laud himself in a outrageous manner on holding up legislation in the Senate for weeks, so that the social Democrats could debate their so-called ' Patients Bill of Rights ' ( sounds like a revamp of the failed Hillary-care debacle to me ). He ended proudly with, " We are going to have a good debate next week ".
Representitive John Kasich ( R ), Chairman of the House Budget Committee, was interviewed next to get some unvarnished facts, instead of spin. When asked about Clinton's added surplus announcement, he told the truth with, " We don't have a firm number yet, but it will be around 800 billion dollars ". Why is it so easy for a Republican to admit they don't know something exactly, but a Democrat will stare you in the eyes and lie through his teeth to make a temporary point ( that five minutes later is refutiated and they are proven to be wrong or lying ). Kasich predicted, " You are going to get a tax cut and it is going to be broad based ". He said to the panel, " You deserve a little tax break too ". He stressed, " personal responsibility ", and lectured, " Don't tell taxpayers what to do with their own money ". He echoed a long time Republican standard, " We don't want the Federal government to get bigger; we want it smaller ". He further opined, " If you think a bunch of politicians aren't going to spend money laying around in Washington, when you get home, look under your pillow for the tooth fairy ". Finally, on the current economy, he said, " We aren't going to ruin something that is working ". He ended with some comments on the dirty campaign tactics of politicians who claimed they wanted to stop the ' politics of personal destruction ', calling it, " gossip politics ", and offering up, " Stop all this nonsense on digging things up ". Kasich is a man of real integrity!
* The ' nation was not defaced ', though it was largely ignored, in favor of more liberal news media baloney about their self-ordained queen of Fabian Socialism and Mother Superior, Hillary Clinton. The dog and pony show began with Democrat in Republican clothing, Senator John " We won't have a coronation " McCain ( R ), who said, " My reforms ( on campaign finance abuse ) go toward soft money, and as I understand it, he ( GOP candidate for president, Governor George Bush of Texas ) hasn't raised any ". Senator Mitch McConnell ( R ), Chairman of the GOP Senatorial Committee, showed, through a graph, that Hillary Clinton already owes 220 thousand dollars to the US taxpayers for trips to New York using the presidential transportation system paid for by all of us ( like, do you want to give Hillary any money? I don't care to ). McConnell asked the important question, " Is it appropriate for someone from Arkansas to run for Senator of New York "? Senator Robert Torricelli ( D ) had his White House obedience training firmly rooted and answered the rhetorical question with a standard Democrat whine, " Hillary Clinton can become a national leader ". Parish the thought...
Man, what a crock the Sunday shows were. Not a mention of Kosovo Liberation Army atrocities being committed against the helpless Serbian refugees, the Russian peacekeepers being mysteriously kept from reinforcing their troops in Kosovo by NATO or the closed door hearings in Congress on the Red Chinese acquisition of technology secrets, with Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Berger and four heroic whistle blowers, on the total lack of security at the national laboratories since the Clinton Dynasty began. You can't see the fireworks with your head buried in the sand!
- Bongo ( Try to hold back the vomit? )