In the town without pity, the limbs are falling off the trees. While the lottery jackpots and American Indian casino sites grow exponentially, the quality of state and municipal services falls dramatically. The people speak and the politicians veto their wishes, unless " they " are the social relativists and extreme left wing liberal environmentalists. As the liberals create more and more new problems and incubate future ones with their ' throw more and more money at the problem without really addressing the issue ' strategy; the common folk are victimized and rained on by the fallout of their folly!
We have these great looking trees throughout the neighborhood, Liquid Amber is what the city workers call them. I always called them Prickle Ball Trees, as that's what they drop by the hundreds and what always gets stuck between your foot and your sandals come every autumn.
Approximately seven years ago, the city " trimmed " these trees. I say " trimmed " ( yeah right ) because everyone in the neighborhood was laughing and asking them " why bother ", upon seeing the tiny, little, almost imperceptible amount they were cutting off and grinding up. The boss of the gang announced that the " environmentalists had pressured the department into not cutting more than twenty-five percent of the branches, not matter how overgrown the particular tree was or how long it had been since the last trimming. We all thought it was very stupid, as most tree hugger types have more flies than friends, but now we are all paying the price for humoring those morons!
For the last six months, twenty foot long, full size, tree limbs have been breaking off and destroying parked cars and private property of various kinds, as they fall from the one hundred foot tall plus trees. They city refuses to trim more than twenty-five percent off of them and has stated that all the trimming trucks were now busy picking up and grinding up the fallen limbs throughout the adjacent neighborhoods, as well as ours. We are talking about limbs thicker than muscular human bodybuilder legs, which smash deep dents in vehicles or would perhaps kill an unlucky human being or family pet, if they were caught unaware of a falling Prickle Ball Tree Projectile; these are dropping almost daily, to the point of absurdity. One look at our street and you would see the Sword of Damoclese killer branches hanging low, waiting to fall on the unsuspecting.
After repeated calls to city services and city council members, there is no light at the end of the tunnel, as we wait for a trimming that is not even scheduled for this millenium. I feel we will be having ' tree limb fall ' all winter long, as well as, or instead of, snow fall?
I hope the leftie tree huggers are satisfied with the damage they have inflicted on innocent taxpaying citizens, in pursuit of their perverted sense of importance of scrubery over humanity!
- Bongo ( Book your picnic space under this wonderful shade tree? )