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Don't wag your finger at me!

or pound on the table either...

How can you tell when President Clinton is lying? His finger is wagging!

The President made plenty of gestures, both with one hand and two, in his August 17th deposition. Notice just where, he wagged his finger, ala' his January lying denial to the public of having a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

The first occasion was while he was going into a tirade about the Paula Jones lawyers only wanting to dig up dirt on him and leak it. "...leak it, it happened repeatedly...", at approximately 30 minutes into the proceedings.

The second occasion was when he was going off on Linda Tripp's involvement with Starr and the Jones lawyers. " I was doing my best to be truthful ", at approximately 45 minutes in.

The third one was when he again assaulted the Paula Jones lawyers and the imagined vast right wing conspiracy. "...in the face of their illegal leaks, constant and unrelenting...", at approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. On this occasion he also pounded the desk with his fist!

The last wagging I observed was with a pen and not his finger; the same hand, though ( I wonder if Darth Kendall suggested using the pen instead of only his finger? ). He was defending his twisted explanation of how Monica was having " sex ", but not him? "...if the deponent is the person who has oral sex performed on him...", at approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes.

I tend to believe that Bill Clinton telegraphs his lies, by adopting that same vocal tone and finger wagging from his January 1998 video bite. One should think long and hard about the truthfulness of his statements concerning; who was leaking ( or releasing ) information, his voracity on being truthful in the Paula Jones deposition, or his convoluted definition of " sex "!

- Bongo ( pass the remote... )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...

Updated ( 9-25-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.