Saboteur: White House spin doctor.
Sadistic: The 'war on Republicans.'
Safety Valve: Inflatable doll.
Saliva: Truth substitute.
Sanctimonious: That's you all over, too.
Sandcastles in the Sky: Your State of the Union promises.
Sanitized For Your Protection: The impeachment trial.
Satyr: Your god?
Scandal: What's next?
Scarlet Letter: Could they stamp it on your forehead?
Scornfully: The way you're viewed by the public.
Screw-up: Better get a screwdriver to get it out of her.
Scruples: Zzzzzzzzz...
Scuttlebutt: The practice that's raised to an art form in Washington.
Senate: Theater of the absurd.
Senator from New York: If you think it's gonna be Hillary, you've been smoking too much of the White House lawn.
Seniority: Targeting priority.
Sequestered: That part of the trial which we should have seen.
Settlement: Get Out of Impeachment Free card.
Seventy Percent Approval Rating: A thing of the past.
Sexy: Female.
Shakedown: The impeachment proceedings.
Shorts: Temporary obstacle to pleasure.
Simulate: Pretend, dissemble, deceive, omit. See also Perjury.
Sleaze Factor: Another rating you give every woman you meet.
Slur: Tool of state.
Smear campaign: Taking 'em down with you. See also Larry Flynt, Misrepresentation.
Snow Job: Winter specialty in Washington.
Social Security: Sacred cow that you can lead to Communism, but you can't make her drink. See also Government Ownership of Business, Karl Marx.
Sole Food: Filet-o-Fish sandwich.
Somnambulism: "Yeah...I was...uh...sleepwalking. Yeah!"
Soundproof Room: Safe place for intimate encounters.
South Park: White House lawn. "They killed Kenny!"
Spin Central: White House Press Office.
Spin Doctor: Remember when that was a disc jockey?
Spineless: Every Republican Senator who voted against Clinton's removal.
Spouse: Inconvenient necessity.
Straw Man: Your defense.
Subpoena: Makes a nice paper airplane.
Summarily Imprisoned: What would have happened to any military man who did what you did...but then you never served in the military.
Summum bonum: Your resignation.
Sundae: Pre-church service quickie.
Swearing In: "They're not really serious, are they?"
Tainted: Whatever you say.
Take Liberties: Diddle, or abridge another's rights, depending on whether they said "Yes" or "No."
Take Off, Eh: Nope, Canada doesn't want you, either.
Takeout: Smear job order.
Talking Heads: Satellite transmitters. See also Lackey, Democrats.
Tall Tail: You're gonna need a longer cigar...
Tall Tale: "I did not have sexual relations..."
Tantrum: "Mommy, Kenny said bad things about me..."
Tax and Spend: A philosophy to which you obviously subscribe that you'll deny until your dying day.
Taxman: Political tool.
Television: I never saw one with a spin cycle before last year.
Thanks For the Mammaries: Your theme song.
Threadbare: Public tolerance, especially after the demonstration of your lack of contrition.
Tilting at Windmills: Enough, Don Quixote...it's time for dinner.
Tom Harkin: Never met a dung heap he didn't like.
Torque: Warping force of spin.
Total Recall: What will never occur when you're testifying under oath.
Totalitarianism: No need to explain; you know this instinctively.
Touchdown: Result of completed presidential pass.
Tour de Farce: The impeachment trial.
Town Crier: You after your acquittal.
Town Hall Meeting: Touchy-feely re-education. "I'm glad you asked that, and I feel your pain."
Transient: Your time in the White House.
Transparent: Your excuses.
Travesty: If only Justice could see...
Tribute: What most Republicans refused to pay, for which you declared war.
Trickle-down: Facial.
Triumphant: Only the media moguls, who laughed all the way to the bank.
Truth: Anathema.
Turkey Trots: Diarrhea of the mouth.
Turn Over A New Leaf: Find a new hiding place for inappropriate behavior.
Tyrant: You tell me...I'm sure you know much better than I.
Ulterior Motive: The only kind you know.
Unconscionable: Unavoidable.
Unconstitutional: Not dumped on (yet).
Undemocratic: Democratic.
Under Fire: Direct hit!
Underdog: The Constitution.
Underhanded: Paid off.
Understatement of the Year (1998): "These encounters . . . did involve inappropriate intimate contact."
Understatement of the Year (1999): "The question is does this rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. I say yes." [Senator Robert Byrd]
Unethical: Commonplace.
Unfairness: Reason you cite for your Democrassic Jihad.
Unfunded: Bankrupt, as in intellectually, morally, and financially.
Unfurl: Depants.
Ungrateful, Unrepentant Urchin: The character in a novel that you most resemble.
Unimpeachable: The inability of the Senate to remove you.
Universal Joint: What you must have been smoking just before you gave the State of the Union address.
Unmentionable: Mentioned, for effect.
Unsatisfactory Conduct: You wouldn't have it any other way.
Untouchable: Hillary.
Unusual Punishment: Let it fit the crime(s)...
Upbringing: Hard-on.
Upstanding: "Quick, cut 'em off at the knee!"
Urethane: For spill-proof clothing.
-The Watcher ("Guilty as charged, acquitted as ordered, sir!")
Updated ( 2-19-99 )
(c)1999 The Watcher.