While Bill Richardson, Energy Secretary, and Ed Curran, Energy Department Counter-intelligence Chief, do their version of the Abbott and Costello ' Who's on First ', " lie, deny and stick to it " routine, on the Clinton administration's part in the acquisition of our nuclear weapons secrets by the People's Republic of China, in front of the Senate; debate on the Christopher Cox Amendment: Nuclear Labs Security and China, continues in the House of Representitives. At the time I tuned in, they were debating an amendment by Christopher Cox addressing some new security measures spelled out in the The Christopher Cox Report . Sadly, the Democrats chose to ignore the legislation; resorting to demonizing the Republicans and rationalizing their President's failings by invoking the alleged phoney failings of past administrations ( conveniently forgetting that the Red Chinese acquisitions began in the Carter presidency. Surely, the Clinton/DNC/Whitehouse spinmeister talking points fax memo included: to play the " race card ", the " partisan political advantage " card and the " it happened under past administrations " card.
The House of Cards included:
Patsy Mink ( D ), who was only interested in making ethnic inuendos about how the Republican legislation was demonizing orientals. Funny, Patsy can get quite demonic, herself?
Tom DeLay ( R ) exhorted, " America's security has been compromised for too long ". He said this theft was so complete that the bi-partisan committee declared that the Chinese nuclear technology was now " on par with our own ". He warned, " China must not mistake the weakness of this President, as a weakness of our country "!
Robert Underwood ( D ) from Guam, attacked the Republicans instead of addressing the issue.
Benjamin Gilman ( R ), International Relations Committee Chairman, thanked Chris Cox for " bringing to light the failings of the Clinton administration to safeguard our secrets ".
Nancy Pelosi ( D ) expressed " sensitivity to the Asian community ". Bob Menendez ( D ) made sure to hit, " partisan political advantage " and the " Asians " race card. Sam Gejdenson ( D ) said, " Don't take actions that will injure America's place in the high tech industry ". Huh? I guess this is one of those ' engagement is more important than national security ' guys. He made sure to throw around some dates, with " 1982 " being his favorite. Norm Dicks, only a minor Clinton apologist, said, " Let's have an overwhelming vote for this amendment ".
Duke Cunningham ( R ) pointed out, " The President was notified ( about the Red Chinese acquisition of American secrets from the labs ) in 1995 ". Duncan Hunter ( R ) wanted a " temporary review of the Department of Defense ", insisting that, " There is unfinished business ". He was quite concerned that " we are sending them super computers ".
Christopher Cox closed, saying that " hard work remains ahead ". He felt like he had to address the Democrat race card attack on his report, with, " In this country, the liberty and dignity of the individual is paramount ".
All the huffing and puffing by Democrats aside, The Christopher Cox Amedment passed 428 to 0.
Two Senators had this to say, about the whole Clinton Red China connection:
Orrin Hatch ( R ) said, " Janet Reno...Sandy Berger; it looks as though they were trying to protect the President ". When he had to lay the blame, he pointedly remarked, " Sandy Berger is responsible ".
James Inhofe ( R ) said this was the " most serious problem in the history of this country ". Having access to the classified version of the Christopher Cox Report, he opined, on the cover-up and smokescreen being waged by the White House spinmeisters ( liars ), " I don't think we are going to find out until this President is gone. It is going to be bad ". He boldly declared, " This President covered it up from the Congress and the people ". When questioned about many legislators talking tough about Red China, but declaring their support for Most Favored Nation status for the communist thugs, he loudly made no doubts that everyone knew how he would vote, " I will oppose MFN status ".
The Clinton administration is a disgrace. The only thing more disgusting; was the Democrat self-degradathon they pulled off defending their morally bankrupt liar-in-chief ( you know, I was about to put Traitor-in-chief, but I thought it was too harsh; there you go ). I can only refer you to a Steve Forbes for president in 2000 advertisement; " If you put a pot of honey in the woods, bears are going to come along and put their paws in it ".
- Bongo ( Amend me? )